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Everything posted by Endlesskiss

  1. Is it only me? or one of the devs has removed one of the comments? (which btw said that I have to compile WoW on IDA Pro on debug mode). If nobody replied, well then I'm still waiting for an answer ^^
  2. I was looking for this enum for like an hour but couldn't find anything (I checked even before I opened this thread)... I'm not familiar with IDA Pro (I prefer OllyDbg) but IDA Pro seems to be more powerful for reverse engineering... When I looked in the "Enum" window I couldn't find anything... How do I find it? xP Thanks from advance...
  3. I don't think it's packet sniffing from the reason that... well... How can TOM_RUS know that he've sniffed all the new packets?
  4. Well, I would like to know something. Every new expansion\\patch sometimes there are new opcodes... and EVERYTIME it happens you guys add a placeholder for them immediately... My question is, How did you get them? Are they located somewhere on the client? if so, where? and how to get them? Thanks from advance! EDIT: The guy who always deals with this kind of stuff is 'TOM_RUS'.
  5. Well, Just wondering... If a player does something [like moving] and another player is moving in the same time, why doesn't the server stuck? I mean it's all handled in a single thread... therefore it takes time to complete the operation. So it doesn't stack because it moves extremely fast and we can't sense this, or because a different thing? If you didn't understand the question I'll ask it again more clearly.
  6. *BUMP* and another question. as you see a damage modifier [Darkness for example] does not affect the same thing that Improved renew [spell modifier] affects. but both of them has SPELLMOD_DOT, so why does SpellModsOp so matters? and when you say "simply get that in the code", which variable\\part of code contains that data? and as i understood, you don't get the SpellFamilyFlag, you simply collect all the priest's shadow spells, for each family flag you got you << 32 it, and then, after you got all of them, you connect them (first one + 2nd one + 3rd one till you get to the last one). is that right?
  7. Well, I understood, but when I try by myself to fix a bugged spell... it just doesn't work For example the bugged spell Improved Kidney Shot, I know it sounds a bit rude, but a fix for this spell will be useful for me to learn how to fix those kind of spells. Thanks again!
  8. Hey everyone. I want to get the skin, face, hairStyle and hairColor of the character with MySQL\\PHP\\C++, what would be the way to do that? I've tried few things but I'm a little newbie with bitwise therefore it's a little problem for me... Thanks from advance!
  9. Ok, so umm... something easier... Cold Blood - it does not affect any spell, it affects the crit, How do you get the value for crits? and if it's too hard, there's a working spell but I want to know how to get the value for Renew: Improved Renew and if it's too hard either, well, Fire Power [which is working btw], would help me, I want to know how to get modifier of few spells from one type [Fire in our case]. Thanks again!
  10. Well, an example will be great here, because I still couldn't find a solution for this. Demonic Resilience currently bugged, could you please show me how to fix Effect 2? Thanks again!
  11. I already started mangos-worldd, and I want to attach GDB to the current running process. I tried attach 25620 [which is the PID of mangos-worldd], and I received an error: ptrace: Operation not permitted. Does anybody know why it is happen? Thanks!
  12. I went to 16999, none of his columns had the value 0x1000001000 or value 68719480832 [which is the decimal of 0x100000100]. I was looking both on 2.4.2, 2.4.3 and 3.0.9 DBC Files. I know that's alot but could you please show me for example, How to fix Mark of the Wild? [and ofc, How to fix this, I'm not looking for a fix, I'm looking for a way to fix]. Thanks again! and sorry for my ignorance.
  13. First of all, Thank you for fast respond. Anyway, I was browsing the DBC Files, I went to column 211 for spell 33876, and it's value was 0.... So, can you extend your explain please? as I understood the value should be stored in Column 211, but it doesn't. Sorry for ignortantness, and thanks again.
  14. Hello everybody. How do I get the value that should be entered in SpellFamilyMask? for example in order to fix Savage Fury you have to do: INSERT INTO `spell_affect` VALUES (16999, 0, 0x1000001000); INSERT INTO `spell_affect` VALUES (16999, 2, 0x1000001000); So, Why it is 0x1000001000? is there a formula\\algorithm that "generates" such a value by some parameters? Thanks from advance!
  15. Lol, seems more than one person asked you my question Thanks again!
  16. I don't think this should be in SVN... It's a hack check...
  17. I know, right after mangos moved to git I used to hate almost everything that was going on. but I learned that GIT is a great tool, it was great abillities, but hard to use. I am still trying to do that, I'm recloning mangos again since all those merges fucked up my current mangos (and trying git reset --hard HEAD~3 doesn't work either..)
  18. Well, It works with Arena, but when trying with Outdoor patch, it tells me it is failed to merge it with master. I don't know where conflicts are, and therebefore, I can't fix them.... How do I know where are they?
  19. I get some conflicts but I don't know where are the conflicts, git mergetool doesn't work for me (I didn't exactly what you said in the FAQ...) there is also no >>>>>> in the conflicted file...
  20. Hello everybody. I want to merge the Outdoor and the arena branches (by charlie2025 and balrok). I am trying for a hour and i can't figure out how to do that.... Can anybody tell me how? Outdoor: git://github.com/charlie2025/mangos.git Arena: git://github.com/balrok/mangos.git Thanks for helpers!
  21. Devs don't know about BG and Arena that much, therebefore this patch will not be on SVN. You can propose yourself to the MaNGOS Devs team, maybe then this patch will be on SVN. and if you want to be a dev, i'm sure you will get a good feedback, at least, from me
  22. Thank you, I didn't know it bugged, but still... =P
  23. You delete everything but the characters (stuff, pet etc).
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