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Posts posted by Etznab

  1. Hi,

    For me the Github Network Graph for MaNGOS stalls at commit 7835(41a2c9a64a36e61fd67623e974633fda7d7f8b76).

    The graph will alwasy show "This graph is out of date. We are showing you a cached version while we bring it up to date." and not update no matter how long i wait(several days).

    I want to be sure this is not a problem at my end, although i have tried using the graph from multiple location/computers with the same result (no updates).

    Maybe a admin needs to kick the Github graph in some way, since other projects at Github don't seem to have this problem (eg the graph updates).

    Thank you for reading.

  2. Hi,

    I am trying to create a wowhead like system where u visually can see where a creature/gameobject/player is spawned/located.

    Calculating the zone specific coordinates goes fine using the formula's from the core.

    My main problem which sounds easy is getting the zoneid, i thought using the values from the WorldMapArea and matching those against the coordinates in the database would get me the zone.

    After this i have been browsing through the code and bumped into the grid system which is way to large for my simple needs.

    A good read of the core maybe would give me the awnser but i am not that familiar with it so it would take me a long time.

    Therefore i ask if there is some sort of formula to get the zoneid from the coordiantes stored in the database.

    ps: already searched several times with no usable results, if there is an awnser post the link please.

  3. My main reason for the renaming:

    • * this table does not contain any character related data.

    About the clarity, there is a table named "account_data" this table does almost the same thing as character_tutorial:

    • * keep track of account specific info for the current realm.

    This to me makes no sence to have 2 tables with different pretext that do the same:

    • * account_data
      * character_tutorial

    In my view all tables that store the same (related) data, should for the sake of consistency have the same pretext example:

    • * account_ (data, tutorial)
      * arena_ (team, team_member, team_stats)
      * character_ (achievement, achievement_progress, action, etc)
      * etc

    My C++ skills are louzy so the patch i created could use cleanups.

    Hoping i could clarify my view and reasoning.


    • * What bug does the patch fix? What features does the patch add?

    In previous commits the tutorial relation has been changed from character to account.

    The table name (character_tutorial) was not changed to reflect changes inside the table (account_tutorial).

    • * For which repository revision was the patch created?

    [7208] aab9a8d92f542fb7fd34b19a5d5a0e77ee8a8177

    • * Is there a thread in the bug report section or at lighthouse?


    • * Who has been writing this patch?


    Patch C++:


    Patch SQL:

    RENAME TABLE character_tutorial TO account_tutorial;

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