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Posts posted by faramir118

  1. All of our synchronization code comes from ace (well, except for TBB's scallable_malloc/free)

    We do have a concurrent hash map, but it's use is limited (player map change, corpse add/remove). And as Lynx3d says, synchronization in this context isn't important.

    If we're looking at concurrent data structures that need improvement, I think an easy target would be the LockedQueue in src/shared/LockedQueue.h

    • Database connection strings in your conf files should be internal addresses - just use if the database is on the same host
    • realmd.realmlist db should have the WAN address of your router (so your setting is correct) - if you have trouble connecting from the local network read this
    • all ports are TCP
    • Forward ports 8085 and 3724 to your server - these are how the client talks to mangos and realmd, respectively
    • Don't forward port 3306 to your server - nothing outside your network should access the database
    • RA is for remote administration, and listens on port 3443. It does the almost the same thing as the mangos console, but you need to sign in
      You can use telnet to connect (not installed on win 7/2008 by default, google can help) or something like this if you've got Visual C# installed
  2. Since there is talk about colocating, I think it would be helpful to be able to tag forum threads - something to simply to say 'this post is about mangos one core' or 'this post is about mangos zero scripting'

    It could aid searching, and displaying it on the index as an icon would be nice.


  3. Sorry for doubleposting, but it feels better, sometimes when i run a stair (a rolled stair if you get what i mean) and the npc in this case is above me, he stops and thinks he is at my position, he is in 2d but not in 3d..... i will provide a movie laters (also there are some places he just airwalks etc (got it on movie aswell)

    - LilleCarl

    I had forgotten about this... I have a fix that wasn't very good unless we had small tiles...

    For some time now, we've had much smaller tiles as an intermediate step, so I will try this fix and see how well it works.

  4. There are some problems in the extractor (ad.exe) that might be contributing to the issues qsa and I posted.

    In the mmaps_rewrite version of contrib/extractor/System.cpp, the loop @ line 775 is wrong.

    It iterates over quads (128x128), but acts on vertices

    • sets the top-left vertex of a quad to invalid height, which affects all quads on that corner.
      Conceptually, I can see this causing both the problems qsa and I reported.
    • ignores the right- and bottom-most edge of vertices
      This most likely isn't causing any problems, but it could in theory.

    Offhand, I think the easiest solution is to throw this loop away, write both liquid_height and liquid_show to the .map file, and go from there. Unfortunately that is a bit of a rewrite for the core as well.


  5. I noticed that, and know that even after this commit there are lots of places with lingering issues.

    I thrashed a bit with the liquid vertex placement and tessellation, and obviously got it wrong...

    I circled the area of interest - in recast, notice that all of the edge-quads' bottom-left triangle is missing.

    This, combined with the above issue, probably means someone needs to redo the liquid part :(

    Thanks all, for continued efforts!

  6. Learn to use git... here's a very simple (but not very proper) way to add mmaps to your current branch in your local repository:

    (sorry about the code block, need to get the css for this fixed...)

    git remote add faramir118 git://github.com/faramir118/mangos
    git pull faramir118 mmaps_rewrite

    If you use mangos zero (client 1.12), replace mmaps_rewrite with mmaps_zero

    If you use mangos one (client 2.4), replace mmaps_rewrite with mmaps_one

    A little disclaimer... these branches are a bit behind. Again, we welcome any mangos zero/one users to step forward and maintain these branches!

    Unfortunately, further development of these two branches is frozen until the new spline code is backported. I had to do a bit of asm debugging to fix our linear spline for older clients when I backported mmaps, so I assume that doing the same to SilverIce's code may need extra research.

  7. vmaps are not used to make sure players don't walk through objects - Lynx3d said as much earlier.

    They are used to determine line of sight for spell casts.

    vmaps also determine the height of the geometry when a player is on a box, building, etc. Look in GridMap.cpp, at TerrainInfo::GetHeight - both vmaps and heightmaps are used.

  8. I have to extract other .map files to use mmaps?


    Recomiple contrib/extractor (ad.exe), then extract maps, then extract mmaps

    I'm not sure how you have mmap data

    movemapgen is supposed to fail if your map data isn't the correct version

  9. make sure you run the generator with --debugOutput true in addition to other switches

    this will create files in the meshes directory, including terrain geometry and navmesh generation data

    RecastDemo needs these files

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