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  1. Problems to compile with Linix , with Windows no Problem ... any Sugestíons Why ? #include "MapUpdater.h" #include "DelayExecutor.h" #include "Map.h" #include "Database/DatabaseEnv.h" #include <ace/Guard_T.h> #include <ace/Method_Request.h> //the reason this things are here is that i want to make //the netcode patch and the multithreaded maps independant //once they are merged 1 class should be used class WDBThreadStartReq1 : public ACE_Method_Request { public: WDBThreadStartReq1 () { } virtual int call (void) { WorldDatabase.ThreadStart (); return 0; } }; class WDBThreadEndReq1 : public ACE_Method_Request { public: WDBThreadEndReq1 () { } virtual int call (void) { WorldDatabase.ThreadEnd (); return 0; } }; class MapUpdateRequest : public ACE_Method_Request { public: Map& m_map; MapUpdater& m_updater; ACE_UINT32 m_diff; MapUpdateRequest (Map& m, MapUpdater& u, ACE_UINT32 d) : m_map(m), m_updater(u), m_diff(d) { } virtual int call (void) { m_map.Update (m_diff); m_updater.update_finished (); return 0; } }; MapUpdater::MapUpdater () : m_mutex (), m_condition (m_mutex), m_executor (), pending_requests (0) { return; } MapUpdater::~MapUpdater () { this->deactivate (); } int MapUpdater::activate (size_t num_threads) { return this->m_executor.activate (static_cast<int> (num_threads), new WDBThreadStartReq1, new WDBThreadEndReq1); } int MapUpdater::Deactivate (void) { this->wait (); return this->m_executor.deactivate (); } int MapUpdater::wait () { ACE_GUARD_RETURN(ACE_Thread_Mutex, guard, this->m_mutex,-1); while(this->pending_requests > 0) this->m_condition.wait (); return 0; } int MapUpdater::schedule_update(Map& map, ACE_UINT32 diff) { ACE_GUARD_RETURN(ACE_Thread_Mutex, guard, this->m_mutex,-1); ++this->pending_requests; if( this->m_executor.execute (new MapUpdateRequest(map, *this, diff)) == -1) { ACE_DEBUG ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT ("(%t) \\n"), ACE_TEXT ("Failed to schedule Map Update"))); --this->pending_requests; return -1; } return 0; } bool MapUpdater::activated () { return m_executor.activated(); } void MapUpdater::update_finished () { ACE_GUARD (ACE_Thread_Mutex, guard, this->m_mutex); if (this->pending_requests == 0) { ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT ("(%t)\\n"), ACE_TEXT ("MapUpdater::update_finished BUG, report to devs"))); return; } --this->pending_requests; //TODO can more than one thread call wait (), it shouldnt happen //however I ensure if in future more than 1 thread call it by //using broadcast instead of signal () this->m_condition.broadcast (); }
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