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Everything posted by fdb_

  1. Work partially for me. Does not apply the bonus "and improve the effect of all other auras by 100%".
  2. Could you explain what is working and what needs some additional work ?
  3. Honestly, I do not prefer OpenID because it is an external auth. Keeping the auth without any external link seems better to me (mainly for privacy purposes).
  4. Hello TheLuda, Do you plan to add a kind of authentication bridge to avoid having multiple login and password on the hosted tools on getmangos ? In case of yes, here are 2 ideas: - a self dev reg bridge or a glued authentication between IPB and Mediawiki, - a more professional SSO using CAS can be interesting ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Authentication_Service ), many solutions exist, Jasig's one seems seductive. In case of no, hummm just another l/p stored in my browser Thanks for your consideration.
  5. Hey TheLuda, can you remove the full sub-board new messages from being listed in the "New Messages" ? Or do you have a workaround to avoid to list all those message when looking for the messages posted in the last X days ?
  6. Unfortunately there is a theory (cannot remember the name of this theory) that explains why the religion, politic and other controversial subjects always appears in long discussion or forum thread. This is potentially inevitable
  7. Something as simple as below does the job. This is another way to update the world db, the same script can be cloned to update the char db. #!/bin/bash DBU="dbuser" DBP="dbpass" DBPWD=/home/mangos/sql/updates MYSQL="$(which mysql)" cd $DBPWD for i in *mangos*.sql do echo "--- Update $i" $MYSQL -u$DBU -p$DBP -D $DBWORLD < $i done
  8. Hi, Is there someone that can explain me why in the last method of the file Group.cpp, player_tap is not processed in the main loop iteration but after the loop? void Group::RewardGroupAtKill(Unit* pVictim, Player* player_tap) Cheers guys.
  9. I agree with you UnkleNuke. This can be a handleful wrapper.
  10. Revision: 10123 Core: MaNGOS + insider42 + SD2 ACE: enable-builtin-ace CONF: standard configure and make OS: debian lenny I got the same crash. Chain crash during 2 to 5 times then load up fine. The crash occurs randomly and also hits a random config option. Good luck.
  11. The Python script parses all the commands available, that does not mean that all the commands are usable in the remote. Try to execute 'help' to list all the command available with the account you use.
  12. Do not search the world wide web. Just search in the forums, everything is here.
  13. Hi everyone, Here is my PHP interface for the MaNGOS SOAP connector. First is a Python script to generate the commands list from the mangos.sql file. Here is the source code: #!/usr/bin/python import re cmdList = dict() fd = open('mangos.sql', 'r') flag_command_found = False pattern = re.compile("^\\('(.*)',(.|'|)([0-9])(.|'|), (.|)'(.*)'\\)[,;]$") for line in fd: if flag_command_found == False: if re.search('^INSERT INTO `command` VALUES$', line): flag_command_found = True continue #print line tmp = re.search(pattern, line) if tmp == None or line == "": break info = tmp.group(6).replace('\\\\r', ' ') info = info.replace('\\\\n', '') info = info.replace('\\\\', '') info = info.replace('$', '\\$') info = info.replace('"', '\\\\"') cmdList[tmp.group(1)] = [tmp.group(3), info] fd = open('phplib-mangosoap-commands.php', 'w') fd.write("<?\\n"); fd.write("\\tunset($commands);\\n") for cmd, [level, info] in cmdList.iteritems(): fd.write("\\t$commands['" + str(cmd) + "'] = array(" + str(level) + ', "' + str(info) + '");\\n') fd.write("?>\\n") fd.close() Now the main PHP class: <? class MaNGOSOAPClient { private $username=null; private $password=null; private $url=null; private $commands = array(); private $session = null; private $persistent = true; private $maxcmdsize = 4; private $error_msg = null; // Input: Command string // Return: Numeric means something wrong happened // 1 => Already connected // 2 => Missing config settings // 3 => Connection error // 4 => Command not found // 5 => Command failed // String with the command result public function SendCommand($p_command) { // Check if command exists in our commands list $cmdArray = explode(' ', $p_command, $this->maxcmdsize); $cmd = array_shift($cmdArray); $count = 0; for ($i=0; $i<$this->maxcmdsize; $i++) { if(!$this->GetCommandInfo($cmd)) $count++; $cmd .= ' '.array_shift($cmdArray); } // Command not found, return an error if ($count >= $this->maxcmdsize) { $this->error_msg = 'Command not found'; return 4; } // Hoho somebody forget to connect before sending commands // lets connect if ($this->session == null && $this->persistent) if ($ret = $this->Connect()) return $ret; if ($this->session != null && !$this->persistent) if ($ret = $this->Connect()) return $ret; $result = null; try { $result = $this->session->executeCommand(new SoapParam($p_command, "command")); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->error_msg = "Command failed! Reason: ".$e->getMessage(); return 5; } if ($this->session != null && $this->persistent) $this->Disconnect(); return $result; } // Input: Nothing // Output: 0 => Connection OK // 1 => Already connected // 2 => Missing config settings // 3 => Connection error private function Connect() { if ($this->session != null) { $this->error_msg = 'Already connected'; return 1; } if ($this->username == null || $this->password == null || $this->url == null) { $this->error_msg = 'Missing config settings'; return 2; } $this->session = new SoapClient(null, array( 'location' => $this->url, 'uri' => "urn:MaNGOS", 'style' => SOAP_RPC, 'login' => $this->username, 'password' => $this->password ) ); } // Input: Nothing private function Disconnect() { if ($this->session != null) $this->session = null; } // Input: Array of commands // Sets the class commands list. public function SetCommandsList($p_cmdList) { $this->commands = $p_cmdList; } // Input: Username // Sets the username. public function SetUsername($p_username) { $this->username = $p_username; } // Input: Password // Sets the password. public function SetPassword($p_pwd) { $this->password = $p_pwd; } // Input: Url // Sets the soap url. public function SetUrl($p_url) { $this->url = $p_url; } // Input: Nothing // Return full commands list. public function GetCommandsList() { return $this->commands; } // Input: Command // Return an array(command level, command help). public function GetCommandInfo($p_command) { $rett = null; if (array_key_exists($p_command, $this->commands)) $rett = $this->commands[$p_command]; return $rett; } // Input: Nothing // Return the current username. public function GetUsername() { return $this->username; } // Input: Nothing // Return the current password. public function GetPassword() { return $this->password; } // Input: Nothing // Return the server URL. public function GetUrl() { return $this->url; } // Input: Nothing // Return the last error message. public function GetErrorMsg() { return $this->error_msg; } // Input: true or false // Sets the session persistence // true: keep session up until the object is destroyed // false: each send command will send a reconnect public function SetSessionPersistence($p_bool=true) { $this->persistent = $p_bool; } } ?> Finally the simple example: <? require_once('phplib-mangosoap-commands.php'); require_once('phplib-mangosoap.php'); // The 2 following lines are needed, // first to create the object, // the other to populate the commands inside the object $msoap = new MaNGOSOAPClient(); $msoap->SetCommandsList($commands); // Some examples there print_r($msoap->GetCommandsList()); print_r($msoap->GetCommandInfo('learn')); // SendCommand needs user/pwd and server url $msoap->SetUsername('user'); $msoap->SetPassword('pwd'); $msoap->SetUrl(''); // Send learn.... $result = $msoap->SendCommand('server info'); print_r($result); // Send false command leard.... $result = $msoap->SendCommand('leard hello'); // Error check if (is_numeric($result)) { // Print error code print_r($result); // Print error msg print_r($msoap->GetErrorMsg()); } ?> Here are a link to download the full package including the generated commands list. http://www.filedropper.com/phplib-mangosoaptar I hope you enjoy it
  14. Seems broken in newest revs.
  15. Do you have a way to test it ? I ask some peeps to test but they did not see any difference with or without this patch, weird!!
  16. You are right. btw I need some rest right now
  17. Wowka321: To make it work fine: diff --git a/src/game/SpellAuras.cpp b/src/game/SpellAuras.cpp index d444dc9..cb4a35a 100644 --- a/src/game/SpellAuras.cpp +++ b/src/game/SpellAuras.cpp @@ -6198,8 +6198,8 @@ void Aura::HandleShapeshiftBoosts(bool apply) if ((*i)->GetSpellProto()->SpellIconID == 240 && (*i)->GetModifier()->m_miscvalue == 3) { int32 HotWMod = (*i)->GetModifier()->m_amount; - if(GetModifier()->m_miscvalue == FORM_CAT) - HotWMod /= 2; +// if(GetModifier()->m_miscvalue == FORM_CAT) +// HotWMod /= 2; m_target->CastCustomSpell(m_target, HotWSpellId, &HotWMod, NULL, NULL, true, NULL, this); break;
  18. Seems that your patch didnt work All is fine for me, but I do not see the stat increase for the cat/bear/direbear forms. In fact the spell is not casted. I've tried with CastSpell, no luck....
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