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Everything posted by frostzhenya

  1. LCU .... I just do not watch update repazitoriya. novernoe no time with him.
  2. shy sprosit.repazitory Wotja where? or it is repazitory Tassadar "I have no idea.
  3. so somebody ultimately post a normal patch to the latest revision Mangos? Only a patch that would not crash the server
  4. there probably is! I have long patch of a normal saw. After the commit 10155 I lost my Vehicle. that's when the waiting line at the fork Tassadar updated.
  5. Please update your patch under the latest revision.
  6. please help! The problem is that the team in git ''git pull git: / / github.com / blueboy / mangos.git master'' there such errors $ git pull git://github.com/blueboy/mangos.git master remote: Counting objects: 2121, done.←[K remote: Compressing objects: 100% (516/516), done.←[K remote: Total 1967 (delta 1654), reused 1738 (delta 1451)←[K Receiving objects: 100% (1967/1967), 751.78 KiB | 26 KiB/s, done. fatal: cannot pread pack file: No such file or directory fatal: index-pack failed and I can not patch the source mangos .help solve the problem! I pereprobyval and and before the patch sources execute commands git clean -f -x -d git reset --hard and all the time this error. use clean sources
  7. pls update for 9842 thanks
  8. люди обьясните мне нубу как генерировать карты ?????
  9. tell my people how to generate MMAP? I have 3:00 am suffering and I can not understand! if you can please explain it in Russian!
  10. People prompt please!!! How to generate these charts mmaps (if it is possible describe in Russian)
  11. Extract revision Компиляция... SQLStorage.cpp ..\\..\\src\\shared\\Database\\SQLStorage.cpp(32) : error C2370: CreatureDataAddonInfofmt: переопределение; другой класс хранения ..\\..\\src\\shared\\Database\\SQLStorage.cpp(30): см. объявление 'CreatureDataAddonInfofmt' ..\\..\\src\\shared\\Database\\SQLStorage.cpp(45) : error C2065: CreatureInfoAddonInfofmt: необъявленный идентификатор Журнал построения был сохранен в "file://e:\\mangos\\win\\VC90\\shared__Win32_Release\\BuildLog.htm" shared - ошибок 2, предупреждений 0 ========== Построение: успешно: 0, с ошибками: 1, без изменений: 11, пропущено: 0 ==========
  12. извените забыл вот: pass:07111992
  13. http://filebeam.com/ef1fdcfa0020de3febcaf02db559f786 vehicle для mangos 9525
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