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Posts posted by ifilgud

  1. Hi! I've tested the patch with revision 11392 and it doesn't apply. In many files it asks for "Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected! Assume -R? [n]" and many other hunks just fails. I saw some changes in "git log" about static vehicle spawns, but I don't know if it is related to this patch (I think it isn't).

    If you want, I can paste the result of a --dry-run patching.

  2. Hi! I have updated to the code to latest with 'git pull' (last commit: a8d1da629087b07705ce3c6b3ea3199c9fde2b5a) and I'm getting this error:

    [ 23%] Building CXX object src/game/CMakeFiles/game.dir/Level2.cpp.o

    In file included from /home/beto/mangos/fuente/src/game/Opcodes.h:32:0,

    from /home/beto/mangos/fuente/src/game/Unit.h:24,

    from /home/beto/mangos/fuente/src/game/Creature.h:23,

    from /home/beto/mangos/fuente/src/game/ObjectMgr.h:26,

    from /home/beto/mangos/fuente/src/game/Level2.cpp:22:

    /home/beto/mangos/fuente/src/game/WorldSession.h:51:6: error: use of enum 'LfgType' without previous declaration

    In file included from /home/beto/mangos/fuente/src/game/Opcodes.h:32:0,

    from /home/beto/mangos/fuente/src/game/Unit.h:24,

    from /home/beto/mangos/fuente/src/game/Creature.h:23,

    from /home/beto/mangos/fuente/src/game/ObjectMgr.h:26,

    from /home/beto/mangos/fuente/src/game/Level2.cpp:22:

    /home/beto/mangos/fuente/src/game/WorldSession.h:235:35: error: 'LfgType2' has not been declared

    LfgType is declared in Player.h but the reference in WorldSession.h is not working. I don't know how to solve the bug so I'm writing the post here without giving a solution, sorry.

    I did 'git reset --hard' before compiling so it's not caused by custom patches.

    Thanks in advance!

  3. Hi! I've been trying to find the exact code that removes Stealth when you are healed but still no results. I'm searching for "RemoveSpellsCausingAura(SPELL_AURA_MOD_STEALTH);" but is there any other way to get you out of stealth?

    PS: I don't know why the literal SPELL_AURA_MOD_STEALTH is showing an space at the end, but I'm pasting it as one word :)

  4. Can a triggered Spell be casted while in combat without being previously checked by the client? If it cant, the commit can be changed so the IF in Spell.cpp (checkCast function) may also include m_triggeredSpell, solving the problem :)

  5. I'm searching for the possible reason, and I think it is caused by the commit Flemzard said. Spell effect 18461 casts spell 1784 which can't be cast on combat so the cast fails. Maybe a special case is needed for spell 1784 or maybe that spell should be casted after getting you out of combat.

  6. Hi! One player of my realmd reporte that Titan's Grip decreases damage by 60% instead of 10%, but I've had a look to the code and I'm not able to find any reference to the damage modifier of aura 49152, it is just casted and nothing more hehe. Where do I have to look to change that?


  7. I've been investigating why runes are not refreshing and the problem is not in the spell itself, it is just that the code that updates runes cooldown is not working.

    The function void Spell::EffectActivateRune(SpellEffectIndex eff_idx) (SpellEffects.cpp) is being called twice as wowhead says. The for loop manages to call plr->SetRuneCooldown(j, 0); but the runes are not being activated. I've taken a look to SetRuneCooldown function and it ends up with the code:

    void SetRuneState(uint8 index, bool set = true)
               runeState |= (1 << index);                      // usable
               runeState &= ~(1 << index);                     // on cooldown

    "set" is true.

    Something is wrong but I dont know exactly what :(

  8. Patch is working now!

    // Obliterate
               else if (m_spellInfo->SpellFamilyFlags & UI64LIT(0x0002000000000000))
                  // Search for Annihilation
                  Unit::AuraList const& dummyList = m_caster->GetAurasByType(SPELL_AURA_DUMMY);
                  for (Unit::AuraList::const_iterator itr = dummyList.begin(); itr != dummyList.end(); ++itr)
                     if ((*itr)->GetSpellProto()->SpellFamilyName == SPELLFAMILY_DEATHKNIGHT &&
                        (*itr)->GetSpellProto()->SpellIconID == 2710)
                        if (roll_chance_i((*itr)->GetModifier()->m_amount)) // Don't consume if found
                  // Consume diseases

    Using that useful Unit class method :)

  9. Hi! I've made a small modification of emtec_gm script to match my preferences :)

    # About: Auto restart mangos-worldd on crash & generate crash log
    # 1. Compile MaNGOS with parameter: --with-debug-info
    # 2. Put auto_restarter.sh into compiled mangos directory (where folders: bin/, lib/, etc/)
    # 3. (Only once): chmod +x auto_restarter.sh
    # 4. Usage: ./auto_restarter.sh -c etc/mangosd.conf
    # p.s. Make sure you have "gdb" installed.
    # config:
    # path to mangos-worldd binary
    # system
    if [ "`ulimit -c`" -eq 0 ]; then
      ulimit -c unlimited
    while true
      MANGOS=`ps -el | grep mangos-worldd`
      $daemon $*
      if [ -z "$MANGOS" ]; then
         gdb $daemon core.* --batch --eval-command="bt ful" > crash.log
         dte=`date +%F_%H-%M-%S`
         mkdir crash_$dte
         mv crash.log crash_$dte/
         mv log/Server.log crash_$dte/
         mv core.* crash_$dte/
      sleep 2

    You will find the logs and dumps inside crash_$date folder. Add the gzip line if you wish :)

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