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Posts posted by Imagine

  1. thanks,

    also as a side question, is there any method of getting a list of all creatures of entry X, Y or Z in an instance

    or should i have to add them to a list using OnCreatureCreate()

    Im trying to create a function that returns false if there are any creatures still alive that have a specific (or one of many) entry(s)

  2. When a player enters an instance, the script associated with that instance is executed..

    if that player then leaves the instance, the script continues to run.

    This is what i have gathered so far from some tests, i would like to know if :

    1) Is there some kind of auto timeout for instance scripts if no players are inside

    2) Is there a way of disposing of that instance when there are no players inside

    Also do scriptedAI scripts continue to run when there are no players inside of the same instance

    the problem is im currently using the Update method in scriptedInstance to control some events (talking, moving, spawning mobs)

    and im concerned about it causing unnecessary processor usage if the script is running when there are no players in that instance.

  3. I had a quick look for any posts on the same subject but couldn't find any.

    Currently im learning a little about scripting whilst working on the Halls of Reflection script, and iv hit a snag :

    When you enter the instance, i want the first door to be closed (starts open) so i use this code :

    from instance_hallsofreflection

    void Initialize()
           HandleGameObject(GUID_Door1, true);

    HandleGameObject contains :

    void HandleGameObjects(uint64 GUID, bool activate, bool alternative = false)

    //Copy of SwitchDoorOrButton from GameObject class


    GameObject* pGo = instance->GetGameObject(GUID);



    }else {



    if(pGo->GetGoState() == GO_STATE_READY){ //if closed -> open


    }else { //if open -> close




    Whenever this method is called (or more specifically when the line) :


    is called, mangos crashes with the error:

    Debug Error

    Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable 'szBuff' was corrupted

    this happens when i use the above or DoUseDoorOrButton and SetGoState / SetLootState

    can anyone divine the problem?

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