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Everything posted by IRBlaze

  1. ok, I will look at that. Thanks
  2. Okay Im up to the part where I have to update the database - I don't want to mess this up and I want todo it right How do I know what updates to apply and in what order?
  3. yeah.. no matter what I do the build fails for scriptdev2
  4. Okay - so I had compiled mangos but didn't compile scriptdev2 along with it. I was told that I will have to re-compile mangos and then compile scriptdev2 - is this correct? I tried to compile scriptdev2 just now and it failed for some reason..
  5. you guys are great - ty
  6. in my scriptdev2 folder there is a red ! over one of the files, what does this mean?
  7. and I may need help on trying to compile this.. anyone have a good link I can check out for help?
  8. also, where can I find item ID numbers so that I can get good gear?
  9. I will redo that and see if maybe I missed it...
  10. I got my server up and running... yay! But.. I have no mobs or NPCs lol UDB_0.12.0 update thing for the mobs and what not.. But I can't figure out how to get it to load.. can anyone help?
  11. I load the pack with the mobs and I get an error .. so ohhhh well atleast I have the server up lol
  12. There are no mobs.. ( I have a lot to learn lol)
  13. I just connected to my server - but can't figure out any GM commands.. can anyone help?
  14. I don't get it.. I updated as was stated in the Mangos Window Guide
  15. thats what I thought.. I will check it out - Im new to this so I will see what I can come up with.
  16. I keep getting this in the error logs; 2010-07-05 02:26:46 SQL: SELECT required_10148_01_mangos_mangos_string FROM db_version LIMIT 1 2010-07-05 02:26:46 query ERROR: Unknown column 'required_10148_01_mangos_mangos_string' in 'field list' 2010-07-05 02:26:46 The table `db_version` in your [WORLD] database indicates that this database is out of date! 2010-07-05 02:26:46 2010-07-05 02:26:46 [A] You have: --> `9990_01_mangos_spell_chain.sql` 2010-07-05 02:26:46 2010-07-05 02:26:46 You need: --> `10148_01_mangos_mangos_string.sql` 2010-07-05 02:26:46 2010-07-05 02:26:46 You must apply all updates after [A] to to use mangos with this database. 2010-07-05 02:26:46 These updates are included in the sql/updates folder. 2010-07-05 02:26:46 Please read the included [README] in sql/updates for instructions on updating. but I have ran all of the updates - I think I have done it right.. can anyone help?
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