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Posts posted by iRelax

  1. Hi guys, i searched a bit in Mangos source and Found this.

    #define PLAYER_TITLE_VENGEFUL_GLADIATOR    UI64LIT(0x0000010000000000) // 40

    And i ask me whats this?


    And how this (looks like hex code) calc?

    I Beleave the 40 i like the Entry

    If i Want to use the Numer 200 how to become a number like this UI64LIT(0x0000010000000000)?

  2. Hi Guys!

    I Want to Reduce Crit and Dodge on my Server. I have much items with high Stats, so i would reduce the Stats in Core.

    i tryed this.

    float Player::GetDodgeFromAgility()
       // Table for base dodge values
       float dodge_base[MAX_CLASSES] = {
            0.0075f,   // Warrior
            0.00652f,  // Paladin
           -0.0545f,   // Hunter
           -0.0059f,   // Rogue
            0.03183f,  // Priest
            0.000114f,   // DK
            0.0167f,   // Shaman
            0.034575f, // Mage
            0.02011f,  // Warlock
            0.0f,      // ??
           -0.0187f    // Druid
       // Crit/agility to dodge/agility coefficient multipliers
       float crit_to_dodge[MAX_CLASSES] = {
            1.1f,      // Warrior
            1.0f,      // Paladin
            1.6f,      // Hunter
            2.0f,      // Rogue
            1.0f,      // Priest
            1.0f,      // DK?
            1.0f,      // Shaman
            1.0f,      // Mage
            1.0f,      // Warlock
            0.0f,      // ??
            1.7f       // Druid

    But edit there has not realy an Effect on Crit& Dodge. Could anyone help me? I want reduce crit & dodge about -50%

  3. Author : zergtmn , from getmangos.org (Rusia site)

    diff --git a/src/game/SpellEffects.cpp b/src/game/SpellEffects.cpp
    index 3244364..3239a08 100644
    --- a/src/game/SpellEffects.cpp
    +++ b/src/game/SpellEffects.cpp
    @@ -2486,6 +2486,24 @@ void Spell::EffectDummy(SpellEffectIndex eff_idx)
                    m_caster->CastCustomSpell(m_caster, 45470, &bp, NULL, NULL, true);
    +            // Death Grip
    +            else if (m_spellInfo->Id == 49576)
    +            {
    +                if (!unitTarget)
    +                    return;
    +                m_caster->CastSpell(unitTarget, 49560, true);
    +                return;
    +            }
    +            else if (m_spellInfo->Id == 49560)
    +            {
    +                if (!unitTarget)
    +                    return;
    +                uint32 spellId = m_spellInfo->CalculateSimpleValue(EFFECT_INDEX_0);
    +                unitTarget->CastSpell(m_caster->GetPositionX(), m_caster->GetPositionY(), m_caster->GetPositionZ(), spellId, true);
    +                return;
    +            }

    Patch fixes spell work from server side, not visual effect. EffectJump requires adjustments for correct visual effect.


    Tested and Works.

  4. You need data in DB for XP gain: `player_xp_for_level`

    I allready have filled this Table.

    INSERT INTO player_xp_for_level VALUES
    ('79', '6933200');
    INSERT INTO player_xp_for_level VALUES
    ('80', '13866400');
    INSERT INTO player_xp_for_level VALUES
    ('81', '3361600');
    INSERT INTO player_xp_for_level VALUES
    ('82', '3381600');
    INSERT INTO player_xp_for_level VALUES
    ('83', '3401600');
    INSERT INTO player_xp_for_level VALUES
    ('84', '3411600');
    INSERT INTO player_xp_for_level VALUES
    ('85', '3431600');

    Not Calculated, at the moment only for Test.

  5. Using the search engine would be a great idea,

    I always use Search Engine! And i Know Level 100 is max Cap! And I know you need to Edit the Core!

    // Client expected level limitation, like as used in DBC item max levels for "until max player level"
    // use as default max player level, must be fit max level for used client
    // also see MAX_LEVEL and STRONG_MAX_LEVEL define
    #define DEFAULT_MAX_LEVEL 85
    // client supported max level for player/pets/etc. Avoid overflow or client stability affected.
    // also see GT_MAX_LEVEL define
    #define MAX_LEVEL    100
    // Server side limitation. Base at used code requirements.
    // also see MAX_LEVEL and GT_MAX_LEVEL define
    #define STRONG_MAX_LEVEL 255

    After this it Should me Work, and i should earn EXP Until Level 85 whats my default_max_level.

    In my mangos.conf

    MaxPlayerLevel = 85

    StartPlayerLevel = 1

    But i wont earn EXP thats the Reason why i ask. Where i used the Search button, i found about 5 Threads about that, but not realy Helpfull.

  6. In the last 2-3 Days i have added much Patches and fixes from the "Review" section.

    I Saw often the same sheme, now i will learn to create my own fixes for some spells or Glyphen. Or just Fixes.

    I know the Pro's say now * look at the current fixes to learn it, or learn c++*

    Chill! I did! I just wanna know the approach to create a patch or a fix. Glyphen working much wíth simple if tags, and some switch - case etc.

    Anyone there there could wirte a "Small" guide about that? Maybe then more interested newbie coder will try to post some fixes.

    I dont want a step by step guide, just a lead guide about how to fix this.

    btw sorry my english is not the best, my main lang is German. I like english, but to speak and to write is some diff...

  7. Hi!

    Mangos Version:10704

    Custom Patches:spell_disabler, auto broadcaster

    SD2 Version:ScriptDev2 (for MaNGOS 10610+)

    Database Name and Version : Lastest UDB

    How it SHOULD work:http://www.wowhead.com/spell=30482

    How it DOES work:Crit bonus works correctly, but the dmg are taken are to high. My Mage got 3xxx Spell DMG and if a Mob attacks me he get 4000+ Damage. If i use more Spell Damage the Damge from Molten Armor goes up.

    is there a Fix? Or if its not normal, could anyone tell me where i have to edit it to reduce the Damage? Thanks.

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