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Everything posted by jdguzman

  1. http://www.manground.org/mangosUpdatefields.html there is the site with the script you can also look in updatefields.h under EUnitFields Regards, jdg
  2. the udb wiki has some info on the data field but i'm not sure if it's still up or not with the change they went through and all. you might want to try searching for it at their site. Last time i checked it was a little outdated. There was another site that had a php script that gave you the correct info but i can't find it right now if i do i'll let you know. regards, jdg
  3. the official repo is at github and will remain there. if you are looking at the svn on sourceforge then yes it will be that old. if you look a few posts up there has been a temporary svn set up on assembla to help in the transition to git. this repo, as detailed above, is not updated at each commit but rather is done at regular intrevals so several git commits may be put into each svn commit. regards, jdg
  4. Isn't that the point though? That way if you revert then try to make the same commit it won't let you? I'm still learning git so I'm in no way arguing just working on understanding it a little better. Regards, JDG
  5. No git works on a different principle than svn. Basically when you make changes to code it makes a hash of all the files in your local git repo. From what i've read this eliminates the chances of duplicate commits as any commit that has the exact same source will have the same hash. At any rate that was too much info, the short answer is no there is not any way to get git to give you linear revision numbers as svn does. Regards, JDG
  6. If you search the forum you will find that in order to use a patch that was formated for svn IS IN FACT usable in git however minor modifications have to be made. Read throught the quick and dirty git guide thread and you will see that vladimir posted these modifications. Okay I think these dooms day predictions that mangos is going to die are getting old. It doesn't matter if 95% of the patches were written in windows (which is a number that I don't tend to believe). Git is perfectly usable under windows if you are willing to learn it. Yes it's going to take about a day of reading and applying this knowledge but it is very learnable. Oh and yes it' s going to take some working with the command line but come on people this project is made for learning not for just consuming. Regards, JDG
  7. well it's kinda hard to add shit to source and ... git suxs balls doesn't help much either ok ok Please be more descriptive. What are you trying to add? And what problems are you having with git? Regards, JDG
  8. TheLuda was working on a script to do this but I'm not sure if it is in operation yet. If you want to get the latest version of the mangos source you need to get it from the git repository which is located here: http://www.github.com/mangos/mangos The svn will eventually be phased out so the sooner you get used to git the better. Regards, JDG
  9. No it is not a new repo it is the old one that is now a mirror of the changes made to the git repo. As theluda stated in a previous post sourceforge will be updated once daily and will be available for a short time to make the transition to Git a little easier. Regards, JDG
  10. This is just a suggestion but I would refrain from calling people stupid or retarded. This could be constituted as flaming and result in a ban from the board. I am not a moderator but if you notice Dave warned of such language. Just looking out for the best interest of you and the rest of the community. Regards, JDG
  11. I have added a link at the bottom of the initiating post of this thread that should be of help to new Git users as well as people already using it that need a quick reference. I will post it here too for convinience. http://git.or.cz/gitwiki/GitCheatSheet Hope this helps. Regards, JDG
  12. I don't see any diss of any sort just a simple statement of facts. But I guess that's all in the eye of the beholder.
  13. This isn't intended just at you Whistler but the community must take into account that there are costs involved with these services. With the amount of bandwidth that the MaNGOS project uses at sourceforge I find it hard to believe that they are doing it at no cost. If TheLuda and the rest of the team are doing this it is to ease transition to GIT not as a permenant alternative. If any of my comments are out of line or erroneous then feel free to correct me. Regards, JDG
  14. if you don't have that option and you are on windows then you didn't install something correctly. please verify that you have correctly installed msysgit and followed the instructions. i have been pulling form the git repo now for a week and have had no issues. regards, jdg
  15. You need chnage it in way: a/ b/ - need just add src/game/ - git understand only full file path from project sources root, so you must be sure that file name include it. Do it for all files in patch and this can help in apply old patch. Ofc, possible also changes conflicts, etc. but this another story They quote taken above from a post made earlier by vladimir explains how to edit old patches to work with git. regards, jdg
  16. They quote taken above from a post made earlier by vladimir explains how to edit old patches to work with git. regards, jdg
  17. well after some people were having problems with the original versoin of the tutorial i have updated it to reflect a much easier and probably better way to get the repo on your local machine. hope this helps and clarifies any confusion. regards, jdg
  18. like TheLuda said it sounds like your're trying to pull from the secure side of the repo. be sure that when you added the repo you did the following commands as follows git init git remote add origin git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git git pull . for the person that posted above that they are stuck at the initialization make sure you do these commands one at a time and they should work fine. regards, jdg
  19. you should be able to just use the following: git pull . the period is intentional so use it . regrads, jdg
  20. glad to hear it. i guess it worked a little different for you. i'll recheck the steps above and make sure they are 100% accurate regards, jdg
  21. try git pull . and if that doesn't work then do this git pull origin master
  22. did you do the git remote add origin git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git
  23. in linux you will need to install git (varies depending on distro) after it's installed make the directory you want to put the local repo in and cd into that directory. Once there just run the same commands in the order above and that should be it. regards, jdg
  24. Well there you go folks an even faster way to get things done. I'm no git master by any means . I have edited the orginal post to add these changes . regards, jdg
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