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Everything posted by kisslota

  1. [bUG] Druids Thorns SPELL Thorns http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=33867 Do not consider spell bonus. .Beat on standard size
  2. [bUG] Predatory Instincts mangos: 9496 UDB 386 Completely the talent does not work Predatory Instincts http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=33867
  3. [bUG] Primal Precision mangos: 9496 UDB 386 Primal Precision http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=48409 - does not increase. and you are refunded 40% of the energy cost of a finishing move if it fails to land - . dont work
  4. [bUG] Natural Reaction mangos: 9496 UDB 386 Natural Reaction http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=57881 - does not increase. 1 talent- -4 % dodge, 2 talent - +2%dodg, 3 talent - of +2 % dodge. In the sum it is received +0% dodg.
  5. dont work ""Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Lava Burst spell by an additional 24%,""
  6. Trinity cod: // Elemental oath - "while Clearcasting from Elemental Focus is active, you deal 5%/10% more spell damage." if (m_target->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER && (GetId() == 51466 || GetId() == 51470)) { if (apply) { SpellModifier *mod = new SpellModifier; mod->op = SPELLMOD_EFFECT2; mod->value = m_target->CalculateSpellDamage(GetSpellProto(), 1, GetSpellProto()->EffectBasePoints[1], m_target); mod->type = SPELLMOD_FLAT; mod->spellId = GetId(); mod->mask[1] = 0x0004000; m_spellmod = mod; } ((Player*)m_target)->AddSpellMod(m_spellmod, apply); } }
  7. good work. The talent perfectly works
  8. Good work, fix work. Tnx
  9. Работает, можно смело вносить в репозиторий.. Большое спасибо за фикс...
  10. SpellEffect.cpp // Survival of the Fittest if (AuraEffect const * aurEff = m_target->GetAuraEffect(SPELL_AURA_MOD_TOTAL_STAT_PERCENTAGE,SPELLFAMILY_DRUID, 961, 0)) { int32 bp = m_target->CalculateSpellDamage(aurEff->GetSpellProto(),2,aurEff->GetSpellProto()->EffectBasePoints[2],m_target); m_target->CastCustomSpell(m_target, 62069,&bp, NULL, NULL, true, 0, this); } break;
  11. INSERT INTO spell_bonus_data (entry, direct_bonus, dot_bonus, ap_bonus, comments) VALUES (467, 0, 0.033, 0, 'Druid - Thorn'); my work`s
  12. up! Talanted don"t work Show a source code I will look can I can repair
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