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Everything posted by klunk

  1. I can see this working with the bot, will test normal groups later.
  2. I can tell you that I have a couple of people, close friends and my children, using my server and we have managed to create normal groups without a problem. I did have an issue on one client (which has worked before with other accounts) not getting chat messages but that is something different and not ralated to playerbot.
  3. My github is available. klunk/mangos I built a patch using your post in this thread, applied that. then ahbot and finally scriptdev2. you can see it if you clone it and then run gitk
  4. I am getting the same issue on Linux (ubuntu 32bit server 9.10 karmic). I have a Warrior as the main character and a priest bing added but I cannot group with them. I am using 9183 from Mangos with blueboy's playerbot known to work with 9162. Both snapshots were taken yesterday around 13:00 GMT. I also have Auctionhouse and ScriptDev2 installed. Hope this helps
  5. After a few days of trying, including getting to know git and having to regenerate the dbc files because of a change in the core mangos , I have a working install that includes playerbot, scriptdev2 and auction house bot. I have just started 2 level 1 humans and added one as a bot. In the starting area I ran inside the building, which is up some steps, and the bot followed me but ran through the floor and dint climb the stairs. Is this a known issue, or is there a fix out there somewhere. If not I will see if I can work out exactly what is going on. Is it because people dont normally start bots at level 1 Thanks for your help.
  6. It seems to me that you are in the wrong directory. After you do the git clone you need to cd into the created mangos directory before you run anything else. You pull from svn from within that directory and you create objdir under that directory. You are running your commands from your home directry and not ~/mangos
  7. I realise I didnt answer two of your questions, my git repo is klunk/mangos and I am using linux. One question for you, not really related to playerbot I know, but now I have a fork of mangos on giyhub and I clone that locally, how do I update the fork on git hub to the lastes from main mangos? Do I have to merge them in to my local git repo and then push them up to the server from my machine?
  8. I know it's bad form to reply (with quote) your own posts, but I wanted to say thanks to blueboy for pointing out where I have gone wrong. I now have a build that is working and please ignore my question above, I understand what you were saying now.
  9. I think you have just pointed out my problem here, the git add refers to playerbot and not blueboy, this could account for the merge problems I am getting at the end of your pbot script. It works fine if I change that one as well. So even if I get a good patch I am in danger of having issues with gossip if I start with the main mangos repo? That's a shame.
  10. Well I want to do similar to what you have and maybe add a few more patches, not sure yet because I am new to mangos. I used to have a vanilla trinity server running. Its also partly an exercise in fun. I have not done C++ for a few years and I am happy to get my hands dirty, hence doing it myself, but the fun disappears when it does not seem to work that easily Tell me, should I have scriptdev2 applied before I patch playerbot or not?
  11. I have created a repo on github which is a fork of mangos at [9173], I then cloned that to my local machine, branched at [9162] where I am trying to apply the patch. I am getting gossip enums declared in 2 places and missing declarations in headers when I try to compile. I am following your instructions on page 16 of this thread to generate the playerbot patch, but there are loads of compile errors. When done I want to apply a number of patched, including AHbot, but I am starting with playerbot as I get the feeling this might be the hardest to intergrate. Thanks for your help.
  12. blueboy, Please help me. I have followed your post to grab a patch and I am getting merge errors. I cannot figure out what I need to do, despite 20 years programming experience . I have created my own fork of mangos on git hub, identified check in 9162 and set a branch on that. I then checkout to that branch and add your repository. I get a load of conflicts that I have to manually merge, just by accepting the combined result, however NPCHandler.cpp is not so easy and I cannot understand whet the result should look like. Do you have a patch file I can use to apply to my branch at 9162 (or I can apply it to a later branch if that's what you have). I do not have any other patches applied to my working copy. Thanks for your help Klunk
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