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About kholdfuzion

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. Thanks, I feel dumb for overlooking it, no more mobs randomly wandering through walls Well some mobs still do and walls most visible in Ruins of Silvermoon with max random move set to 2xAnytime it has to kick back to classic pathfinding mode they still screw up, still this is ALOT better Thanks for your hard work on mmaps so far.
  2. They don't go directly back to spawn, it starts a ~30-45 second timer. If they can't get to a target in that time, they return to home. Also for random movement they seem to wander in an area ~2x respawn radius if outdoor, indoor is based on size of corridor they are in. Is there anyway to hack a temporary random movement gen into the next release, I was attempting it, but kept getting an assertion error. I did the following and it never calls i_path = new PathInfo(&creature, nx, ny, nz); just goes to i_path->Update(nx, ny, nz); and crashes. I will admit I am still learning c++, so I'm a lil stumped as to why its failing. if(!i_path) i_path = new PathInfo(&creature, nx, ny, nz); else i_path->Update(nx, ny, nz); i_path->getNextPosition(nx, ny, nz); Traveller<Creature> traveller(creature); creature.SetOrientation(creature.GetAngle(nx, ny)); i_destinationHolder.SetDestination(traveller, nx, ny, nz);
  3. @Iowahc, yes the source on Git works right now. @faramir118, would some for of seperate volumetic "imprint" based maps work for liquids? ie take a cube for area water would be, then "cut" non passable objects out of it, and swimming can only happen while in the volume? From this you can flag standing when a creature is less than 30% of its height in water, and over a walkable poly at the same depth, they walk on mmap instead of swim. (30% is guessed value, analysis of retail would be needed to approximate actual value) edit: Just noticed playing around on retail that if the mob can't swim, it will evade and not attempt to follow you into the water, it does maintain aggro and attacks as soon as you step out if still in range. They will go into water that is approx 75% of player height then stop and enter evade. edit2: if the ai cannot find a path to player, it also triggers evade mode.
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