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Posts posted by leak

  1. No clue if they are fake or not, but that guy has a point. An official letter shouldn't have that much spelling/grammar issues...

    And please.. not that stupid DBC file discussion again. Everybody who has read the updated EULA of wow should know exactly what is allowed or not and basicly nothing around emulating the game is allowed.

    (http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/legal/eula.html Point 2 A, if people are interested)

    But once again, please no stupid discussion about that again.

  2. No need to get grumpy.

    But from a plain objective perspective from outside of mangos you see lots of bigger (good?) patches which never made it in the core and nearly everyone of it got abandoned from the original author (for what reason ever time, interest, etc.), which is a little sad i think(subjective part). Netcode made it (suddenly?) into the core and it turned out it sucks for windows, so somehow the relation between "not getting into the core because not ready" and "got into it but was not ready" is a bit weird.

    I picked my words carefully and don't want to step on anyones toes. This is just a bit of feedback.

  3. As good as gentoo is for performance orientated setups (using it myself for ages) the chances are also little higher for breaking stuff.

    Dunno but maybe linux newbies are better off with binary packge based distributions.

    If you're think your knowledge (and especially rtfm reading capabilities) are advanced enough i think gentoo ranks around #1 for gameservers.

  4. Thanks Derex for bringing this guide back to the forums.

    6 Before you start debugging mangos you need to have ensured that it is compiled with debug information. To build mangos with debug info just add --with-debug-info to your options when running ../configure. Then compile and install mangos as usual.

    --with-debug-info enables -g and sets MANGOS_DEBUG which ain't helping you that much unless your loglevel is "debug".

    I'd rather go with "-g -ggdb", if you wanna go if you want no unused code to be compiled in (it's mostly a few sLog.outDebug but hey, aren't we all hunting for performance?)

    Speaking of performance:

    I switched to a slightly different debugging method.

    ulimit -c unlimited

    Enables a coredump to be created on signals like SEGVAULT

    You'll find a "core.PID" in your mangos bin dir,

    gdb mangos-worldd --core core.`cat worldd.pid` --batch --quiet -ex "info threads" -ex "thread apply all bt full" -ex "quit"

    Creates the debug output from that coredump file.

    This method should be less performance draining than running mangos with an attached debugger and according to gentoo guys (http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/qa/backtraces.xml) a little less error-prone.

    I couldn't find any disadvantages of that method so far, maybe the debug output quality is less detailed, i don't know. If someone has more information about that - feel free to share it.

    Ah yeah, before i forget: Depending on the size of your server (playercount-> ram usage) you might wanna remove that coredump after you got the debug log out of it. Those files can get pretty big and will rapidly fill your harddrive.

  5. Two machines, worldd runs alone on X2 3ghz with 6GB.

    Vmaps disabled only for not-instanced world (0,1, 530 mapids), vmaps are still bugged like hell and create massive spell lag if globally enabled (tested recently again), not to mention the crazy memory consumption.

    Recent revisions have some lag issues again, before i had no lag at all. Gonna check what latest revision is like any soon.

    You are running windows, right? Atm it seems like that mangos + ACE + win -> fail


    Ah before i forget

    Without mtmaps the cpu consumption for mangos threads at 1k players was like

    12% net

    12% net

    80% main

    (i assume)

    now it is like

    12% net

    12% net

    40% main

    20% map

    20% map

    (might be even less on map threads, i have no real numbers in mind atm)

    The load is slightly higher but there is at least no more thread that gets fucked because a single core can't deliver the required performance.

  6. I run x64 gentoo with mysql 5.0.60.

    About 14 custom patches (arena, mtmaps, anticheat are the bigger ones)

    80% of my crashes are from MapInstanced::GetInstance or Spell: DoAllEffectOnTarget as reported serveral times.

    But either nobody cares about crash reports anymore or nobody is able to fix those two things.

    I managed to get 100h+ uptime with 1k players once but then another warlock killed the server with the famous Spell: DoAllEffectOnTarget bug.

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