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  1. http://pastebin.com/wnxv4FhX there you go, sorry for late reply
  2. ah, thank you! Tryed new way with, int32 damagePoint = finalDamage; m_caster->CastCustomSpell(m_caster, 32409, &damagePoint, NULL, NULL, true); Now it delays with 1 seconds, so this is much better. But it procs debuffs again, gonna look around some more. thanks
  3. Heya, I played some duels on my mage and noticed if my target moves out of line of sight, i.e behind a pillar. My pet wont attack if i want him too. I looked in the code what happends if i press attack with pet if(!pet->IsWithinLOSInMap(TargetUnit)) return; If target is out of los, it should chase instead of do nothing. I tryed to comment out these lines and it did work, now my elementel chases my target even if hes out of los. Will this create any trouble for me? that function wasn't played there without reason or?
  4. wrong way to solve it? any risks with this fix? Im a noob with both mangos and c++
  5. Mangos Version: Im not used to git yet, could not see revision from ( git log mangos-0.12 ) but i know the date, Sun Mar 14. Custom Patches: Only minor stuff, like start with full hp and reset cooldows before duel. SD2 Version: Dont have SD Database Name and Version :BCDB How it SHOULD work: Shadow word : Death can proc Blackout on the caster when the caster takes the penelty damage. How it DOES work: Blackout shouldn't proc on the caster, only on victim. I've done some research, trying to learn mangos ^^ and i found that in SpellEffects.cpp the penelty damage is called. m_caster->SpellNonMeleeDamageLog( m_caster, m_spellInfo->Id, finalDamage, m_IsTriggeredSpell, false); and in SpellNonMeleeDamageLog it alwas call for procflags and if im right on this, thats what causing the problem. The thing is, what i've observed. The developers of mangos want a generic way to fix the most spells, but i think shadow word death is unique in its kind as it is now. Because if a warrior spellreflect or meta gem reflects a spell, it should be as it was cast on a victim and proc ignite and such. Can i call on a different functions then SpellNonMeleeDamageLog which will only tell that shadow word death damaged you for shadow damage, but don't call for proc? thanks EDIT: I managed to make it work properly, but im certain there is a better way http://pastebin.com/9RpHjY1e
  6. Heya, When you dismiss your water elemental and use cold snap to summon it back up again, it will have its old cooldown and thats wrong. I've solved it now. Dont know if its the best way, but works @@ -422,7 +422,8 @@ void Pet::SavePetToDB(PetSaveMode mode) RemoveAllAuras(); _SaveSpells(); - _SaveSpellCooldowns(); + if(!getPetType()==SUMMON_PET) + _SaveSpellCooldowns(); _SaveAuras(); uint32 loyalty =1;
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