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Everything posted by Lomithrani

  1. Ok , but where are those ? I only want to add some so I can use new pic I found this http://www.eodguild.com/roster/img/Interface/ and tried to change the pathname of the pic for different one that are on this website it works ... so there has to be a way to find where it is on my server no ?
  2. Hello everyone ! So I wanted to do some specific game object to display my server rule and I wanted to di it properly so I checked the gob 179706 which display a full html page on it ... but I wan't my own pic so I looked at the html code and saw this: Where the hell are those ? I looked everywhere and couldn't find the interface folders I tried all kind of research with PvPrank14 too ... couldn't find it on my comp and on the server either ! please help me !
  3. Hey I'm sorry but not knowing how to apply the patch I do everything by hand , I changed the lines (it appears that it's not at the same place for me ) but after compilation it does no difference ; I deleted this : - if (spellproto->EffectImplicitTargetA[effIndex] == TARGET_SELF || spellproto->EffectImplicitTargetA[effIndex] == TARGET_SELF2) and changed by this if ((spellproto->EffectImplicitTargetA[effIndex] == TARGET_SELF || spellproto->EffectImplicitTargetA[effIndex] == TARGET_SELF2) && spellproto->SpellFamilyName == SPELLFAMILY_GENERIC) Am I doing it wrong ?
  4. Hello, Stupid question but I can't find anylink , How do I patch on windows ? I keep looking for something on git or anything but I can't find a tuto is there one ? so far I change manually the code , but I tried for that : http://github.com/insider42/mangos/commit/7f5310bdf8bd1cd2f9d6020b391254cb647a12a6 I changed the code and recompiled with visual C++, Sorry for the noobish question , Thanks.
  5. Hi everyone , and thanks for this beautiful website, So I was wondering how the arena points are rewarded each week, even though I still want to keep the needed 10 games to gains points I'd like to set the reward each day !. So in essence: if someone does 10 games a week => get their points. If someone does 10 games or more a day => get points each days. so I'd like to reset number of games each day only if number of games played during the day are supperior to ten ang give points and reset each "onedayoftheweek" and give points if they played more than 10 games... is this possible? and where should I look for the arena reward system ?
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