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Posts posted by LordJZ

  1. Here's a patch for you guys.

    diff --git a/src/game/Unit.cpp b/src/game/Unit.cpp
    index f177bb4..c077876 100644
    --- a/src/game/Unit.cpp
    +++ b/src/game/Unit.cpp
    @@ -10400,9 +10400,10 @@ void Unit::RemoveAurasAtMechanicImmunity(uint32 mechMask, uint32 exceptSpellId,
            else if (spell->Attributes & SPELL_ATTR_UNAFFECTED_BY_INVULNERABILITY)
    -        else if (iter->second->HasAuraAndMechanicEffectMask(mechMask))
    +        else if ((iter->second->GetSpellProto()->Mechanic && (1 << (iter->second->GetSpellProto()->Mechanic-1)) & mechMask)
    +            || iter->second->HasAuraAndMechanicEffectMask(mechMask))
    -            RemoveAurasDueToSpell(spell->Id);
    +            RemoveSpellAuraHolder(iter->second);

    Tested and works. Written by me.

  2. Just look at realmd code:

        QueryResult *result = loginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT unbandate FROM ip_banned WHERE "
       //    permanent                    still banned
           "(unbandate = bandate OR unbandate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) AND ip = '%s'", address.c_str());

    This query will not select not active IP bans.

                    ///- If the account is banned, reject the logon attempt
                   QueryResult *banresult = loginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT bandate,unbandate FROM account_banned WHERE "
                       "id = %u AND active = 1 AND (unbandate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() OR unbandate = bandate)", (*result)[1].GetUInt32());

    This query will not select not active account bans.

    And also WorldSocket.cpp code:

        // Re-check account ban (same check as in realmd)
       QueryResult *banresult =
             loginDatabase.PQuery ("SELECT 1 FROM account_banned WHERE id = %u AND active = 1 AND (unbandate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() OR unbandate = bandate)"
                                   "UNION "
                                   "SELECT 1 FROM ip_banned WHERE (unbandate = bandate OR unbandate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) AND ip = '%s'",
                                   id, GetRemoteAddress().c_str());

    Should I say more?

    You have some failure in another place. If you have some 3rd party scripts using mangos ban system with auth and the ban check fails, then you have to rewrite the queries in your script, not in mangos.

  3. The ones related to Spell::EffectScriptEffect are because of this quest: http://www.wowhead.com/?quest=13082

    After accepting this quest server instantly crashes. The reason behind this is the fact that map scripts been called after casting a script effect. The crashing spell is 53141, which is casted at accepting the quest. At first effect the player is teleported to Dalaran from Shattrath, and while he's loading the script effect is executed. Hope it helps.

  4. On offy it doesn't check distance between speaking persons, so you can be in some chat channel and at different maps and you will hear each other. Same with raid, party & BG chats.

    Also, client-integrated voice chat does not allow you to modify someone's voice (as Ventrilo does). So if someone's mic is very loud, every one will hear the same level of sound, only modified with general sound settings of target's client.

    It's also worth mentioning that you will still hear the voice chat if you get disconnected from the server. (Didn't check mic though.)

  5. Characterhandler.cpp

    void WorldSession::HandlePlayerLogin(LoginQueryHolder *holder)

        data.Initialize(SMSG_FEATURE_SYSTEM_STATUS, 2);         // added in 2.2.0
       data << uint8(2);                                       // unknown value
       data << uint8(0);                                       // enable(1)/disable(0) voice chat interface in client

    You can enable/disable voice chat menu in client here.

  6. Core: 9320

    Once logged in, character's title is reset and does not appear. However, you can re-select it in the titles list and it will be displayed until the next logon.

    Try this patch.
    diff --git a/src/game/Player.cpp b/src/game/Player.cpp
    index c2f2790..a772dff 100644
    --- a/src/game/Player.cpp
    +++ b/src/game/Player.cpp
    @@ -15302,7 +15302,7 @@ bool Player::LoadFromDB( uint32 guid, SqlQueryHolder *holder )
        // check PLAYER_CHOSEN_TITLE compatibility with PLAYER__FIELD_KNOWN_TITLES
        // note: PLAYER__FIELD_KNOWN_TITLES updated at quest status loaded
    -    uint32 curTitle = fields[10].GetUInt32();
    +    uint32 curTitle = fields[47].GetUInt32();
        if (curTitle && !HasTitle(curTitle))
            curTitle = 0;

  7. I got this data in first day when 3D viewer feature was released :)

    I have parsed DBC files and now i got all textures urls and downloading it to my local server. Main problem is correctly generate texture filenames in character-model.xml.

    Size of all unpacked textures & blps is ~1.5GB =(

    You will also need textures & animation data files that are linked directly from .m2.
  8. MaNGOS: 9134 (tested both on Linux x64 and Windows 32)

    UDB: 386

    ScriptDev2: 1542

    ACID: 3.0.2

    If you learn a language, you can't use it and you don't understand it.

    For example if you learn Darnassian to a Dranei player, he has that in his Skills but he doesn't understand a nightelf speaking in darnassian and can't speak in darnassian.

    Every (almost) in-game language has a spell associated with it, for darnassian it is http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=671.

    All of them are described in ObjectMgr.cpp:

    LanguageDesc lang_description[LANGUAGES_COUNT] =
       { LANG_ADDON,           0, 0                       },
       { LANG_UNIVERSAL,       0, 0                       },
       { LANG_ORCISH,        669, SKILL_LANG_ORCISH       },
       { LANG_TAURAHE,       670, SKILL_LANG_TAURAHE      },
       { LANG_DWARVISH,      672, SKILL_LANG_DWARVEN      },
       { LANG_COMMON,        668, SKILL_LANG_COMMON       },
       { LANG_TITAN,         816, SKILL_LANG_TITAN        },
       { LANG_DRACONIC,      814, SKILL_LANG_DRACONIC     },
       { LANG_KALIMAG,       817, SKILL_LANG_OLD_TONGUE   },
       { LANG_GNOMISH,      7340, SKILL_LANG_GNOMISH      },
       { LANG_TROLL,        7341, SKILL_LANG_TROLL        },
       { LANG_DRAENEI,     29932, SKILL_LANG_DRAENEI      },
       { LANG_ZOMBIE,          0, 0                       },
       { LANG_GNOMISH_BINARY,  0, 0                       },
       { LANG_GOBLIN_BINARY,   0, 0                       }

  9. — What bug does the patch fix? What features does the patch add?

    Patch 3.2.0 patchnotes:

    Beginning with season 7, players will no longer have access to the newest season's weapons or shoulder armor and will not qualify for the Gladiator title/rewards with ratings from the 2v2 bracket alone. Ratings obtained through 3v3 and 5v5 game play will be required for these rewards, while the rest of the newest season's items will remain available to players in all brackets (standard rating restrictions still apply).

    — For which repository revision was the patch created?


    — Is there a thread in the bug report section or at lighthouse? If yes, please add a link to the thread.

    Failed to find one.

    — Who has been writing this patch? Please include either forum user names or email addresses.


    URL: http://paste2.org/p/619708

    A patch that implements this feature was written a couple of weeks ago, I've just forgotten to post it here.

    — A bit of explanations

    A new, 4-th in a row, column in ItemExtendedCost.dbc was added in 3.2, containing values from 0 to 2. Most of entries use 0 value, indicating no bracket resrictions. Seven use '1', they are 2699, 2677, 2696, 2694, 2636, 2692 and 2697. Another one, 2678, which I've never found on offy, uses 2 as bracket restriction. The tooltip of an item with such an extended cost says it requires 5v5 arena rating, as expected.

  10. Hey I was wondering if it was possible to make all or any zones hostile within the MaNGOS Core without edit DBC files which is illegal? I know you can make areas sanctuaries by using

    if(zone->flags & AREA_FLAG_SANCTUARY || zone->ID == 876)

    But I wanted to know if there was a way to reverse that into Hostile/PVP zones? My goal is to have every zone Hostile/PVP but even just one would be great thanks!

    You can set in config GameType = 16. This is FFA PVP - custom game type, designed special for fun servers.
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