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  1. You're right, I'm sorry it should be placed in HandleAddPctModifierAuraProc not HandleDummyAuraProc. I didn't update to latest repo so on my server it works with HandleDummyAuraProc, if you updated you should use HandleAddPctModifierAuraProc.
  2. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to discredit your fix or your skill in any way, but as you stated "MaNGOS is an educational project" so I wanted to show you another way to fix this which I _think_ is simpler. Anyway to explain this better: Unit::HandleDummyAuraProc is not triggered just by dummy auras, it is triggered by all of these auras (not sure all of them, i might have added a couple in my repo): SPELL_AURA_IGNORE_REQUIREMENTS SPELL_AURA_MOD_DAMAGE_PERCENT_TAKEN SPELL_AURA_MANA_SHIELD SPELL_AURA_OBS_MOD_MANA SPELL_AURA_ADD_PCT_MODIFIER (this one is the one that is used to trigger the serendipity removal) SPELL_AURA_DUMMY EDIT: To make it work you have to edit spell_proc_event: INSERT INTO spell_proc_event (`entry`, `SchoolMask`, `SpellFamilyName`, `SpellFamilyMask0`, `SpellFamilyMask1`, `SpellFamilyMask2`, `procFlags`, `procEx`, `ppmRate`, `CustomChance`, `Cooldown`) VALUES (63735, 0, 6, 4608, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0); EDIT2: Swiftmend is handled there because it has to modify m_healing which can't be done from proc, so I think it should be ok.
  3. I think this should be handled in Unit::HandleDummyAuraProc In the SpellIconID switch of SPELLFAMILY_PRIEST: case 2900: { RemoveAurasDueToSpell(triggeredByAura->GetId()); return true; } and then just adapt sql part in spell_proc_event (Sorry for being so vague, but i can't make a diff right now )
  4. Hi there, there is a simpler way to fix this. You should first see how it works currently. Looking at wowhead you can see that the triggering part of spell 47422 is already there, so all you should do is just tell mangos when it should trigger. To do this you'll have to look in the mangos database in the table spell_proc_event looking for the entry of Everlasting Affliction (Rank 1) and edit it so it triggers when you cast Shadow Bolt or Drain Soul. To do this you need to modify SpellFamilyMask0 from 8 to 16393 (which you obtain by adding SpellFamilyFlags0 value of the spells you need, in this case 1 from Shadow Bolt and 16384 from Drain Soul). The other effect of the spell does not seem to work correctly because it uses aura SPELL_AURA_ADD_FLAT_MODIFIER instead of SPELL_AURA_ADD_PCT_MODIFIER so damage is increased by 5 instead of 5%. Hope everything is clear
  5. Ok, solved. Looks like saving conf using ANSI instead of UTF-8 lets mangosd start.
  6. Your update has a typo: This code should be in MapManager::Initialize instad of MapManager::_createBaseMap. This crashes mangos when creating a map after the first because DelayExecutor is already active so abort() is called.
  7. This patch should fix Unit::CalculateLevelPenalty to use the downranking formula used in WotLK. Which should be: penalty = (22 + max level - caster level) / 20. <source> Patch: http://pastebin.org/299716
  8. What bug does the patch fix? What features does the patch add? From patch 3.0.2 Blessed Recovery should stack when hit by additional critical hits. http://pastebin.org/297671
  9. The healing part should be affected by other auras (like Drain Life with Demon Armor). It should not benefit from the spellpower in the spell_bonus_data so we should skip it calling Unit::SpellHealingBonusTaken where it checks for damagetype. We could try this patch
  10. Probably spell system does not check for spellcategory in items when adding cooldowns, so since PvP Trinket has no category but instead it is stored in item_template its cooldown is not triggered. What I would do to handle this is to check for spellcategory in all items the player has in the inventory in Player::AddSpellAndCategoryCooldowns... I'll test if this is the case and write a patch as soon as I get my pc back.
  11. Probably this spell needs to be added to the precasts for WotF since it triggers a cooldown for category 1182 (while WotF has category 1166). Can't test this right now though.
  12. If this is the same problem you should check for item_instance, anyway try to check the log for any kind of error related to characters since it could be something different...
  13. I once had this problem, it was caused by latency (i guess) that caused mangos to find duplicate item guids when it had to save characters to the db. Try to check the database error log, maybe it's the same issue...
  14. In patch 3.3.2 spell 32727 has only aura interrupt flag AURA_INTERRUPT_FLAG_CHANGE_MAP.
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