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  1. People don't read... cyberium is rewriting from scratch the Dungeon Finder, so don't expect more patches or updates in the dungeonfinder branch of his git repository until he's done with the new code. You have this options: a) Wait until cyberium ends coding the new Dungeon Finder b) Wait until someone else fix the merge problems c) Learn C++
  2. One more info: If you queue in the dungeon finder, then you get a level and that level makes you go past the maximum level of that dungeon, you stay in the queue without any problem (and do the dungeon), but the dungeon finder no longer show those dungeons. In short, the dungeon finder don't recheck the level limit if the player level up.
  3. The patch have one typo. Change: &Aura::HandleAuraAddMechanicAbilites, //293 replaces target's action bars with a predefined spellset to &Aura::HandleAuraAddMechanicAbilities, //293 replaces target's action bars with a predefined spellset
  4. Iam ok with this. @Mizuni Ok but in your exemple, the LFG reward is send when Herald Volazj is killed only? Is this a normal functionality? In other word, what is the requirement to gain reward? Only kill final boss? I think all we need is in dungeonEncouters. For your exemple : 212 619 0 0 0 Ancien Nadox 0 259 619 1 0 0 Ancien Nadox 0 213 619 0 1000 1 Prince Taldaram 0 260 619 1 1000 1 Prince Taldaram 0 214 619 0 2000 2 Jedoga Cherchelombre 0 261 619 1 2000 2 Jedoga Cherchelombre 0 215 619 0 3000 3 Héraut Volazj 0 262 619 1 3000 3 Amanitar 0 263 619 1 4000 4 Héraut Volazj 0 2e Field is map but don't know what is the first. Do you think there is missing boss in this dbc? From my experience yes, the only requirement is kill the last boss. In almost all dungeons you need to kill all mobs before you get to the last boss so it's nothing exploitable. Even wowpedia says in the table with dungeon list "Required boss" with only one boss per dungeon / wing (Looks like Scarlet Monastery have 4 entries in Dungeon Finder one for each wing (I was already high level when they implemented the Dungeon Finder)) EDIT: Ok. With a DK (lvl 55) I can see different wings of the same Dungeon in the list. Blackrock Depths is listed like two separated dungeons
  5. I don't know what triggers the Achievements but I'm going to explain some things about Achievements... Let's take the example of the "Heroic: Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom" achievement (id 492) it have the next criteria: * Prince Taldaram slain * Jedoga Shadowseeker slain * Amanitar slain * Elder Nadox slain * Herald Volazj slain Usually in official server people just kill Elder, Prince, and Herald so the Achievement show up in this way: * Prince Taldaram slain * Jedoga Shadowseeker slain * Amanitar slain * Elder Nadox slain * Herald Volazj slain You do runs and runs there with the dungeon finder, but no one wants to kill those remaining two. Of course you get the Dungeon Finder reward each time you kill Herald Volazj but NOT the Achievement. One day the Dungeon Finder puts you in a party with people that wants to kill all bosses, and when you kill Amanitar and Jedoga the Achievement pop-ups as complete but NOT the end dungeon reward... because as always, the reward comes with the kill of Herald Volazj Also if you kill the monster in heroic mode, for some reason it counts both in heroic and normal mode (or it happened when they implemented 3.3.0 patch (don't know if it was a bug or not)) About the Achievements you said they're controlled by some events that probably need to be scripted with SD2 or something. * Experienced Drake Rider -> The last boss script needs to check what mount you used when you killed him * Make It Count -> Some check that check if the timer is below 20 minutes, probably script again * Amber Void -> Again the last boss script needs to check if someone was using Amber drake, if not, give out achievement to all party * Emerald Void -> Same with Emerald * Ruby Void -> Same with Ruby And the "The Oculus " and "Heroic: The Oculus" I don't see any difference with other dungeon achievements. You kill with your hands the monsters (like other dungeons) and the last one is just using the drakes (vehicle system) but the monster is killed as well.
  6. Perhaps no one said that, but you can get the Dungeon Finder price if you kill only the last boss. This happens if you queue and join some group that lost a member in front of the last boss. Also in official server there's some dungeons that you don't need to kill all boss. Like Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom. There the people just kill Elder Nadox, Prince Taldaram and jump to Herald Volazj and the system still rewards with the price. So i'm really sure the official way is it count if you kill one monster (or that monster gets killed). About special situations like the Halls of Reflection dungeon were you run from Lich King. There's some NPC with ID 38211 (Wrath of the Lich King Credit). That NPC is objective of the quest: Wrath of the Lich King (24500/24802) and the quest itself says "Escape the Lich King", so there's some script that triggers or kill that NPC. Perhaps the dungeon finder in that dungeon looks if you "killed" that NPC.
  7. Mmm, but I wonder what will happen in Mangos if it repeats the same dungeon in one day. In official server it makes a new save for it (without deleting the old one), but we don't know if Mangos is going to do the same thing, or yes?
  8. There's one restriction thing with the teleport: You can't use it in combat. Also are you going to implement the event queues? Some events that happen every year (or the pre-cataclysm one) have special entries. For example, a lvl 80 can see in Halloween - Specific Dungeons - Headless Horseman - Random Lich King Dungeon - Random Lich King Heroic Dungeon Or in the precataclysm events - Specific Dungeons - Kal'ju Gahz'rilla - Prince Sarsarun - Random Lich King Dungeon - Random Lich King Heroic Dungeon Kal'ju Gahz'rilla and Prince Sarsarun are removed after some time the elemental invasion happened. Perhaps it's a good idea to add some field in the database with the event related to it and only show it when the event is active. Also in all events with "special boss" you can go to some NPC and the NPC have some gossip option, if you click it, the Dungeon Finder opens in the special boss option. And I don't know if it's a bug in official servers or some feature, but if you do a lot of randoms in one day you can end doing the same dungeon again in the same day so you end with two saves of the same dungeon. If you have some question you can ask or perhaps look here: http://www.wowpedia.org/Dungeon_Finder (Note: Rewards are updated to 4.0.x)
  9. Ok so all member who accept roles will be in the queue in the same group without the member(s) who refused. New question : about teleportation, if member quit an LFG group and new one is added for replacement. After the teleportation this new member will be at the entrence of instence or near the group? Same question with member of the party do get out/ get in teleportation. No other answear? Specialy about group composition and teleport cooldown. Iam surprised about the possiblity to get out / get in from dungeon without restriction. No, you understand it wrong, if someone don't accept the role the group can't get into queue. It's in the same way if you're in the middle of dungeon and someone leaves (manually) and then you requeue to continue it, if someone don't accept it or refuse then the group can't get into queue. So if you're in that situation you have two options: - Premade group before enter dungeon (in town): Party leader kick that one - LFG group inside dungeon: Kick vote. Teleportation: From patch 3.3.3: Dungeon Finder System * If a player joins a dungeon run that already has been started, he/she will now be teleported to your group guide's current location, instead of to the entrance of the instance. But as far I remember if you use the eye to go out (repair) and go in again, you're teleported to the entrance. Also another interesting thing: Parties randomly created via the Dungeon Finder will always be arranged in the party interface from top to bottom in the following order: tank, healer, damage, damage, damage.
  10. - Newer saw a random group with 2 tanks (1 character in dps role that changes to tank talents yes). I don't know what will happen in a premade group, but I think I remember that for example a group with 4 dps can't get into queue. - Don't know - I think yes, unless there's like 10seconds cooldown and it runs out in the loading - Probably you're removed when you logoff. I go into queue -> select "disconnect" and then a message show in the chat that reads that i'm no longer in the dungeon queue (with the sound too) - Nope, it's the same if you try to continue one dungeon when one of the members leave and you're in the middle of that dungeon.
  11. I have one problem compiling with this patch. In windows it works ok, but in linux line 263 of GroupHandler.cpp is
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