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Posts posted by Mordaunt

  1. Is this hack fix still needed? Do I need to change:

        // not apply/remove mods for broken item


    // not apply/remove mods for broken item
       if(item->IsBroken() && proto->Socket[0].Color)  //This need to remove bonuses from meta if item broken
           CorrectMetaGemEnchants(slot, apply);

    Or is this wrong? Thanks.

  2. A small change in wazzy bash, have combined with my loop because it is not always wanted to act.

    # About: Auto restart mangos-worldd on crash & generate crash report into crash_log_(DATE_TIME).log
    # 1. Compile MaNGOS with parameter: --with-debug-info
    # 2. Put auto_restarter.sh into compiled mangos directory (where folders: bin/, lib/, etc/)
    # 3. (Only once): chmod +x auto_restarter.sh
    # 4. Usage: ./auto_restarter.sh -c etc/mangosd.conf
    # p.s. Make sure you have "gdb" installed.

    I have no experience with GDB debugging and scripts, I am glad if someone can help me out.

    The problem is that the crashlog is empty with every crash. I Use this script above and did all the steps which are commented in the script. I configured with the --with-debug-info flag and the loglevel in mangosd.conf is 3(full debug). I've installed gdb and placed the restarter in the directory where the bin/lib/etc directories are.

    What am I missing? What am I doing wrong...xD

    Thanx in advance for any help!

    edit1: I am using Ubuntu server. No GUI.

    edit2: Is it maybe I have to do some changes for ulimit?

  3. I have a lot of these errors too. Thats why I was specifically searching the forum and found this. I checked the up-to-date code of Mangos and saw no changes like this patch suggested. Because the patch is here for quite some months now, is this patch still valid? Is this the good approach for fixing this issue?

  4. Okay i have 1 problem..

    When i use patch from traponinet ...Everything is okay but when i use Valhalla source.

    The quest "Into the realm of shadows" (DK Start Zone) crashes the server ..When you jump on the horse and the server is crashing ..

    Any idea ?

    Yes, I have exactly the same issue. For an immediate workaround I removed the scriptname from Salanar and changed the quest to autocomplete. If we can fix this issue it would be great.

  5. Indeed, but Thorazi's patch is imho simpler than NetSky's patch, becouse it modify only 1 file and is easer to update. For this reason I'll continue to update that

    Completely agree with you. Thats why your patch is very handy for many people. Just because the ease of it. Many people will still use your patch Shin, that's why I think it is better to post a seperate thread so people don't get confused about the different patches for the mixed group patch ;)

  6. here you are critical issues for pets totems fixed

    note this patch is a hack but better than the one in this topic ;)


    This patch seems a better way of handling the interaction between ally/horde groups. Nice :)

    I don't want to hijack this thread...but maybe Netsky you can start a new thread with title 'Advanced Ally/Horde Group patch'? If you are willing ofcourse to update the code from time to time.

    Quick question though, you mentioned Blueflags. Does this mean that it is not possible anymore that you can kill a player from own faction outside of the group when you join a group with opposite faction?

  7. you can create a patchfile yourself just copy paste ;)

    then run the patch with patch -p1 < file.patch in your source root

    recompile ad.exe

    and reextract your maps and test it :)

    @bullek this is no core issue btw this is just related to missing data in map files - so newer revision will not fix :) this will be fixed if data is correctly extracted for maps

    Hello Netsky,

    The Diff does not apply. I tried do to change everuthing manually but unfortunately got much..much..compile errros :S

    Quest ion is can you upload a compiled version of ad.exe somewhere? That would be awesome :)

  8. I already found some IDS not used in DB with proper CLASS and SUBCLASS fields, to update the entry in the DB I know I should run something like:

    Now the question is, what should I run in order to update characters inventory? I dont feel like manually changing all the custom items ingame. I know I have to run a query to update characters.character_inventory and item_instance, I know it have to be something like

    The problem is that I dont know what should I run in order to update item_instance, hope someone could help us with any idea =)

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    So you want to change the entry of al 75000 items to 1313? Is that correct?

  9. Unfortunately your wrong...sorry to break this to you but I did include all of that and as to the regen patch when I tried to apply I got hunk 1 line truncated : Failed, Hunk 2 patch doesn't apply: Failed so no regen patch and still get error, and yes my original pull was from Tasssadar's repo. :eek:

    Hehe you misunderstood me. Or I was not clear ;) I meant that the vehicle repo from Tasssadar did not have that function ^_^ But nevermind ;)

    and Anti thank you again, Iknow your doing great work here I just wish this part was finnished and in the core so you could get things like multi clients logging in so that when I get a freind with only BC logging in they don't have to go out and buy Wrath just to play on me server

    That's true! Thanks Anti for you work so far! Good job!

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