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Posts posted by morderek

  1. Yes confirmed and I think I know where is the problem

    1) without spellpower, damage is multiplied like it should

    2) but with spellpower, it is not multiplied like it should

    how it works now: base damage (without spelpower bonus) is multiplied by 4 and THEN spell power bonus has been added, so it may look like flat modifier

    how it should work: to base damage must be applied spell power bonus first, and AFTER THAT, spell damage must be multiplied by 4

    that is exactly what i was trying to say

    Thanks Ceris

    I´ll try to revert commit 9962

  2. yeah i knew it, i mean, in my server if you cast drain soul at 20% hp for example it is doing wrong damage.

    I only wanted to know if it is caused by a custom patch or if it is broken(im sure it is not broken xD)

    Thanks for the post Vladimir :)

  3. How it should work:

    When the target is at 25% hp drain soul does four times normal damage

    How does it work:

    Damage isnt x4.

    I dont know if its broken in last rev, i don´t think so but i wish anybody can confirm it.

    Maybe the problem is a custom patch?

  4. First of all thanks for the patch.

    I´m using it in my serverand i found one bug:


    haste is applied fine but the mage doesn´t cast 5 missiles, they can cast 10-11 missiles(modified by haste)

    How to repeat:

    Pick an arcane mage

    Learn missile barrage

    Cast icy veins, arcane power, haste trinkets, etc

    cast arcane missiles with missile barrage, the mage cast 11 missiles instead of five

    I hope you can understand me xD(i can upload images)

  5. That´s not what i mean xD

    i´ll take this from your post

    To be noted: the bonus only occurs if the spell STARTS with the target at <25%, and will continue to do 4x until the end of that cast.

    When you are channeling the spell and the target is healed, the damage stops doing 4x.

    for example:

    Start channeling at 25% 10k damage, during this channeling you heal at 90%, drain soul damage is 1x.

    I hope you can understand what i mean

  6. insert ignore into playercreateinfo_spell values
    (1,9,75445,'Demonic Immolate'),
    (2,9,75445,'Demonic Immolate'),
    (5,9,75445,'Demonic Immolate'),
    (7,9,75445,'Demonic Immolate'),
    (10,9,75445,'Demonic Immolate');
    insert ignore into playercreateinfo_spell values
    (2,7,75461,'Flame Shock Passive'),
    (6,7,75461,'Flame Shock Passive'),
    (8,7,75461,'Flame Shock Passive'),
    (11,7,75461,'Flame Shock Passive');

    Is this only for new characters? i mean playercreateinfo_spell "This table holds information on what spells newly created characters should start out with"

    I´m sorry i´m a noob on Db -.-

  7. Mangos Version: 92xx

    How it SHOULD work: If the target is at or below 25% health, Drain Soul causes four times the normal damage. And if you are healed the damage still causes four times the normal damage

    How it DOES work :if you are healed the damage is normal, for example:

    Target 25% hp---->cast drain soul,10k damage

    Target is healed 100%hp--->Drains soul still does 10k damage

  8. Warlock´s stats:

    22500 hp

    15564 mana

    Pet's stats


    Hp: 13720




    hp 15474

    mana 3979

    Damage: 64


    hp: 13695

    mana: 4818

    damage: 16


    hp 13220

    mana: 3979

    damage: 59 normal 239 with spell


    hp: 17500

    mana 4800

    damage 200-400

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