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  1. Smart And about availability.. Which ones is preferable?
  2. About nix vs win. There is some trouble with memory usage in windows. So, eg win2k3 64bit noway use process more than 3Gb at once (in this case OS would be try to limit memory for 'leak' process and dump it to HDD). In sum it could be much more. (as far as I know enterprise support about 32Gb). But at all - it's sad.
  3. \\src\\dep\\include\\DXSDK As u can c its dx
  4. I'm interested in theory of this question. What kind of computer must be able to have online more than 7k people? 0_o I've seen some servers with that or ~ online and some of them used MaNGoS. And what about 2k, 5k? What optimal online for core? (don't worry, I don't want to buy this hardware and open new off-like internet server. Sure, I don't have enough money. It's just kind of masochistic envy about moneyed people and ineradicable human interest). Have anyone got this information? OS - *nix sure (on my win local server with online <120 and, think, not a bad hardware, mangos process have more than 3Gb RAM. This is the dead end for windows servers). P.S. Sorry my english
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