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Everything posted by no.human.being

  1. The path may be different on your system. On my notebook they're called: C:\\Programme\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\v6.0A\\bin C:\\Programme\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\v6.0A\\Include C:\\Programme\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\v6.0A\\Lib Just step through your file system on C: and look out for files that sound "something" like that SDK. Seems like the names aren't always exact.
  2. Doesn't work out of the box. Just did the same as with the previous release, get an error from "mangosd": Database content was imported from the "/sql/characters.sql", "/sql/mangos.sql" and "/sql_realmd.sql" dumps from the MaNGOS GIT repository.
  3. I've been following the guide in this thread very closely, except for the "Include" and "Library" folders, which were named differently on my system, but it seems I got the right ones as the project compiled without errors. Was using Visual Studio 2008 Professional.
  4. He means you should create another folder for the MaNGOS binaries and config files. Then you go into the source-folder (the one where you checked out the repository and compiled the source code), search for all the binary files (*.pdb, *.dll, *.exe) and put them into the folder you've just created for the binaries. My question is still open. Anyone knows where the version check takes place or where the expected client version is stored server-side?
  5. I expect it to be unstable, but it's only for testing purposes. The server will never go "live". I'd appreciate if someone could give me a hint how to change the client version the server expects.
  6. How can I remove the version check at login time so you could log on with a newer client version? I'm quite sure it only takes changes to a few lines in the source, but it will take some time to figure it out. I'm quite sure someone here already knows where the version check takes place.
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