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Everything posted by Odyssey

  1. Maybe you are bound in this instance because you have been in it before than the group which is inside and killed some boss, or you followed another group before. Get out from instance, use .instance unbind all on yourself to remove your bind, and then .goname playername again. That's all, you should see them.
  2. Hey, just found this bug after updating today to 10219. Combat log shows that when some (all?) mage spells hit the target, they always proc an extra Deep Freeze ) that does extra damage, so when a spell is casted two damages appear on screen (the spell damage + the deep freeze one). Tested with Fire blast, Scorch, frostbolt, arcane blast, fireball, frostfire bolt ... It happens on all ranks. Btw I don't know if it's happening something like this in any other class.
  3. Yeah, confirmed. Still crashing when a bg ends. I'm also having other random crashes related to auras too (don't know really if they happen also when bg ends) , always starting in Unit::GetAura or Unit::RemoveAura. Two examples: http://pastebin.com/9ZTftm4r - http://pastebin.com/Mh1mkyNL The first one is happening at every battleground end although I can't reproduce it alone in debug bg mode. The second one, who knows...
  4. Hi, I'm having so many crashes at latest mangos (10189) & sd2. It started 3 days ago when we switched to 335a. We disabled custom patches and crashes still happening. One every 20-30min. Can somebody help? :confused: Always having the same crash: http://pastebin.com/hNmfBSMP Seems to be happening when a battleground ends and players leave it. Thanks in advance.
  5. Hi, I've noticed yesterday that there were many reload commands that weren't in command's db table. They weren't usable by level 1 accounts but anyway they were missing. Here there are. Change security level as you want. DELETE FROM command WHERE name IN ('reload all_scripts','reload all_achievement','reload all_item','reload all_eventai','reload all_npc'); INSERT INTO command VALUES ('reload all_achievement',1,'Syntax: .reload all_achievement\\r\\n\\r\\nReload all `achievement_*` tables if reload support added for this table and this table can be _safe_ reloaded.'), ('reload all_item',1,'Syntax: .reload all_item\\r\\n\\r\\nReload `item_required_target`, `page_texts` and `item_enchantment_template` tables if reload support added for these tables and these tables can be _safe_ reloaded.'), ('reload all_eventai',1,'Syntax: .reload all_eventai\\r\\n\\r\\nReload `creature_ai_*` tables if reload support added for these tables and these tables can be _safe_ reloaded.'), ('reload all_scripts',1,'Syntax: .reload all_scripts\\r\\n\\r\\nReload `*_scripts` tables if reload support added for these tables and these tables can be _safe_ reloaded.'), ('reload all_npc',1,'Syntax: .reload all_npc\\r\\n\\r\\nReload `points_of_interest` and `npc_*` tables if reload support added for these tables and these tables can be _safe_ reloaded.');
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