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Posts posted by Patman128

  1. How does one determine if there is an off-mesh connection causing such trouble?

    Open the problem map in the mmaps viewer (you will have to have debug tiles built with the extractor) and test the part causing trouble. It should be obvious if there is a break in the tiles that needs to be fixed.

  2. Most of the queries could also be combined together. For example:

    DELETE FROM `creature_questrelation` WHERE `quest` IN (999105, 900001, 999102, 999103, 999104, 999025, 999030, 999033, 999034, 999037, 999039, 999040);

    instead of individual DELETEs. And you can REPLACE multiple rows at the same time.

  3. From reading the Google translated version of that page, all I know now is "Napomnaet problem of sex in the infrared, where the floor - it Dectructiable Building and in some cases, the player going in the Institute provalilivalsya through the floor.", there was some code on Github that no longer exists, and a broken photo that may or may not have been useful.

    Is it some sort of new GO model that needs different code to work properly?

  4. World Banker has npcflags 131073, which is 1 (Gossip) + 131072 (Banker). See: http://udbwiki.no-ip.org/index.php/Creature_template#npcflag

    Bankers are not scripted server-side. When the NPC has the flag set, the client allows the player to view bank info. This is all done client-side. All the server does is respond to bank opcodes (i.e. send bank data to the client when it requests it, see WorldSession::HandleBankerActivateOpcode).

    The menus can be custom scripted. This can be done via ScriptName for C++ scripts or gossip_menu_id for DB scripts. But it's optional.

  5. 1. The emulated versions may never be perfect if we copy exactly what is in official due to official having fundamental core issues.


    2. You have more than adequate information available for completion of said editions.

    As do you. What have you contributed exactly? Please stop pointing fingers and realize that until you start learning and helping, you're part of the problem.

    Not to mention that there are still a ton of mysteries remaining, some of which may never be solved. Here's a forum full: http://pretbc.com/viewforum.php?id=22

    3. Cata may have a lot of changes on the surface, however underneath all the cool stuff (bypassing the streaming of content feature as the game can be played with all content fully downloaded and installed -- aka a bare from disc install with no patches), all it really is, is some UI modifications and map corrections which is essentially what vmap should be doing from the server side to determine world collision. I also understand that quite some time ago, you had fixed the server so that it would automatically correct invalid z-location's on spawns when too far below or above the resulting area available from vmaps ...

    It also adds quite a few new mechanics, some of which build on WotLK mechanics which still do not function in mangos master right now.

    But yeah, it isn't a gigantic leap, in fact I think it's less of a leap than TBC -> WotLK. But still, I would rather see vanilla, TBC, and WotLK get some attention, instead of just the latest instance.

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