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Everything posted by petbat

  1. Hi! I have been using MaNGOS for 2 years and then I started using TrinityCore (from the 3.1.3 patch...) But before ~2 weeks Trinity got f****d up and now I'm back on MaNGOS... (I don't think I had to write those stuff ) So... will someone please tell me how to understand a patch and how to update it for the latest MaNGOS core? I think that I have to follow every single update on github and then update the patch with the changes (if needed), but how to understand where does the patch adds or deletes lines and etc. Thanks in advance! -- petbat
  2. So.... is this working with compiling and will it work for latest ArcEmu or some other LUA scripts?! Or it is for old Ascent LUA scripts?! And will the core load both C++ and LUA scripts and will they both work?! Thanks in advance and great job! -- petbat
  3. Please make an update and tell me what can be done with the Eye and what bugs are there Thanks in advance! -- petbat
  4. You have a little typo in the patch, but it works great! You have wrote this: and it has to be like this: It works great with revision 9591 + Dual-Spec!
  5. Damn... EventAI is much better than LUA I've got a scripting EventAI tool and now everything is 10000000% easier for me and let's leave MaNGOS with C++
  6. I know LUA, but my C++ is soooo bad So... please if you can make "a small project for LUA support" this will be so great Thanks in advance and good luck
  7. This would be very cool
  8. So.... Basicaly Lunar is some kind of C++ LUA?! I need to know if there is someking of something that can make MaNGOS use ArcEmu's LUA.... Please post and Thanks Patman128 for the Lunar link
  9. You mean that MaNGOS supports LUA right now ?! And will you tell me how to use it please
  10. This SVN is years outdated And VladimirMangos... I know that MaNGOS is made for Blizzlike server and can only use C++, but LUA is more easy and some players want it, so they can script more Blizzlike and more faster
  11. Damn... I like to have LUA supportd by MaNGOS I'll now try to make it support and will post the results
  12. Here's a SQL of VEHICLES! Tested only with TC2 patch 3.2.2a http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/TrinityDB/Custom/Vehicle/
  13. You can modify the XP needed to level... It's in the DB, named " xp_needed.... " something like that
  14. Thanks, because I was going to use it, but my server is blizzlike and I don't apply no-blizzlike patches
  15. Is this availible on retail or it's just a custom patch for more fun or idk?
  16. I think it's at your sWorld.SendGlobalMessage(&data);
  17. I have patched it with MaNGOS rev. 8798+Dual Talents+DeathGrip patch and it works! Only that the DK quests aren't working properly, like: Into the realm of shadows and Death comes from on high etc.
  18. Thanks very much! I will now test it with compiling and playing.
  19. Patched against MaNGOS 8781+Autobroadcast+DeathGrip+DualTalents and no errors! Thanks
  20. The quests: "Grand Theft Palomino" "Into the Realm of Shadows" and others don't work pls help
  21. Please help with the SQL! No creature_template_addon can't be executed... please help me =============== got it
  22. Thank you very much for that patch!!! :D:lol::lol: I needed it at the 75XX version, so... thanks. And for those questioning about how to patch it $ patch -d . -p1 < name_of_the_patch.patch
  23. Very nice!! I know how to do this, but for the people who don't know it's helpfull.
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