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  1. Fixed it! Thanks you very much for this! So simple, yet fixes many things.
  2. Works great with revision 8911, Duel Talent Spec Mod, Vehicle Mod, and alot of bug fixes from under review.
  3. I'm really not sure why, or how, this is happening, but i would say, 1 out of every 50 deaths result in the player being in a mix of dead and alive. They can cast spells, but they can't do melee damage (hunters shots count as melee), they can't move, but they can blink/charge, they have ~100-200hp and are about to die when it happens. With a patch for instant respawn in FFA a selected zone, there are about 2-4 deaths per second when I have about 70 players online so this is happening alot, the only way to fix the player is to revive them as a GM, or the player can relog and they are back to normal. Sometimes a sheep, or hex will also take them out of the phase of dead and alive. This has also happened once to a player in the arena, where the Avoid GY check doesn't even get ran, so thats leading me to think its not 100% my code, maybe my code is causing it to happen alot more though, not sure. I think it might have something to do with this file, but I'm not sure. These are the edits I have made to player.cpp: http://bphelpsen.pastebin.com/f452a5a76 I think its happening in "void Player::RepopAtGraveyard()" but i have looked over it and can't seem to find what might cause it. void Player::RepopAtGraveyard() { // note: this can be called also when the player is alive // for example from WorldSession::HandleMovementOpcodes AreaTableEntry const *zone = GetAreaEntryByAreaID(GetAreaId()); // Such zones are considered unreachable as a ghost and the player must be automatically revived if ((!isAlive() && zone && zone->flags & AREA_FLAG_NEED_FLY) || GetTransport()) { ResurrectPlayer(0.5f); SpawnCorpseBones(); } WorldSafeLocsEntry const *ClosestGrave = NULL; // Special handle for battleground maps if( BattleGround *bg = GetBattleGround() ) ClosestGrave = bg->GetClosestGraveYard(this); else ClosestGrave = sObjectMgr.GetClosestGraveYard( GetPositionX(), GetPositionY(), GetPositionZ(), GetMapId(), GetTeam() ); // stop countdown until repop m_deathTimer = 0; // !-Phelps // Custom Avoid GY Checks // this matches player being in Dire Maul - The Maul (FFA-PvP) if (sMapMgr.GetZoneId(GetMapId(),GetPositionX(),GetPositionY(),GetPositionZ()) == 2557){ TeleportTo(1, -3761.428223, 1137.259277, 131.261383, 4.729075); ResurrectPlayer(1.0f); UninviteFromGroup(); SpawnCorpseBones(); //RemoveArenaSpellCooldowns(); - too much burst for everyone in ffa } // match player in Circle of Blood and send to proper faction base else if (sMapMgr.GetZoneId(GetMapId(),GetPositionX(),GetPositionY(),GetPositionZ()) == 3522){ switch (GetTeam()) { case HORDE: TeleportTo(530, 2907.686, 5973.359, 2.200, 4.050); break; case ALLIANCE: TeleportTo(530, 2771.037, 5884.949, 2.726, 0.937); break; default: TeleportTo(530, 2838.707, 5928.274, 0.892, 5.606); break; } ResurrectPlayer(1.0f); SpawnCorpseBones(); } // if no grave found, and not in a custom GY zone, stay at the current location // and don't show spirit healer location if(ClosestGrave) { TeleportTo(ClosestGrave->map_id, ClosestGrave->x, ClosestGrave->y, ClosestGrave->z, GetOrientation()); if(isDead()) // not send if alive, because it used in TeleportTo() { WorldPacket data(SMSG_DEATH_RELEASE_LOC, 4*4); // show spirit healer position on minimap data << ClosestGrave->map_id; data << ClosestGrave->x; data << ClosestGrave->y; data << ClosestGrave->z; GetSession()->SendPacket(&data); } } }
  4. thanks for this, and bumpity bump bump
  5. Not really how I want it to work, I want the players to keep the unfriendly state while in FFA, ignoring the group in a whole.
  6. I searched the forums, but any set of keyowrds i used brought back this "Showing results 1 to 25 of 500", and 'm not going through that many pages. Is there a patch or work of a patch for the new druid shape visuals based on the characters hair color?
  7. No no no, I want players to be unable to group in FFA, they are able to group right now, I want players in a group to be unable to heal there group members for instance. People abuse FFA with healers right now, makes it really unenjoyable.
  8. Thats ok, I like the way it works now. A lot easier to login from telnet, just confused me when my script broke, all is good now.
  9. *face palm" I should have at least tried to get it working, I just though since it prompted it would have failed. I did have to increase the delay to 50ms for the login to work though. Thanks for the help.
  10. So the new changes to core have messed up remote admin logins from other code via sockets. Is there any way we can connect to RA with sockets from something like PHP now ?
  11. I'm looking to code in no groups while in FFA. Anyone know where I could start, i have look though the code and can't find it.
  12. I just applied all the patches by hand as most them wouldn't work. Is there any way I can update with git ?
  13. You can face an object in game and type ".gobject target" and it will show you all the information about that object. You can even shift+click that white object link into ".gobject del". Its very easy to manage objects in mangos. As far as scaling, I'm not sure about that. You can scale NPC's but not sure about objects.
  14. I have a super patched MaNGOS (wen't through under review and add alot of those to my source). How can I update my mangos revision without needing to reapply ALL these patches ? I'm using linux also.
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