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Everything posted by putnamdh

  1. I got mangos to load (realmd too but now I cannot create the accounts. It says there is no such command. I wrote it iin just as you said (substituting acct name and password of course). what do I need to do now?
  2. I did as you said, though the first time I had to uninstall and reinstall MySQL in order to start the service... that of course ment that I had to rebuild my databases and also edit the .conf files... after all that it is still not morking for me... could it be because of the fact that I have a windows x64 system? could mangos not work with 64 bit or is there a version I might use with 64 bit nativity? I went as far as to uninstall my virus protection (it could not be closed, just disabled)... still nothing... the exact error is as follows (on realmd.exe): "Could not connect to MySQL database at Can't connect to MySQL server on ''<10061> Cannot connect to database ThreadQueue waiting on remaining threads... pollUserThread<> 1 user-thread relcaimed. (on mangosd.exe)": "'Could not connect to MySQL database at Can't connect to MySQL server on ''<10061> Cannont connect to world database;7546;mangos;mangos ThreadQueue waiting on remaining threads... pollUserThreads<> 1 user-thread reclaimed."
  3. could it be because I have a windows x64 system? I am re-installing MySQL because of the fact that the service would not restart after reconfiguration. is there a version of mangos that I should be using specifically for 64 bit systems?
  4. One problem I am having and I have not seen the answer to it in all the posts is the difference between "Source" folder and "Core". In the instructions you tell how to make the "source" folder but you say nothing about the location of the "core" folder. I have copied the .exe, and .dll files into a parent directory to the source directory for now... I can't find the .pdb files though. Also, instructions dictate moving the .exe, .dll, AND .pdb files FROM the Source folder TO the Core folder... thus they are (if I am interpreting it correctly) different folders... Am I way off base?
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