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  1. how can y turn the extra action bar from hunter's pet for other spells / events ? i have also hard time finding the hunter's pet action bar so y can study it... blizz uses another action bar , from what y can tell , for new events - vehicles fight , fighting on flying dragons , mounted fights. maybe find a way to incorporate a general blank action bar and fill it depending on the situation - mount / morph - for vehicles ?
  2. ty for the translation ) any suggestions where i could find prototipe's for setfreetalentpoints and so on ? or how free talent points are stored ?or are updated everytime when u toggle talent panel ? - i'm trying to figure a way to add free talent points for quests with reward - talent points
  3. since wotlk some quests now give talent points - for dk's are essential-. a minor change in db -> quest_template -> add RewTalent - for reciving talent points on completing and a change in questdef.cpp for it to work ps : how free talent points are saved ? how SetFreeTalentPoints(); works for dk when he starts at lv 55 and 0 talent points ?
  4. 1i was wandering if a spell with multiple effects (eg: summon and dummy) has its effects scattered at sumon category and dummy category 2 what's with "m_" in front ; eg "m_caster" 3 what is the prototype for castspell ? sorry for missplaced title
  5. check in the database - items -> spell and check the spell again in wowhead or thottbot for "official" u shall see its id and post it here if it dont work for patching spells can be edited in core , that i only know , u need to get the svn files , modify the spell , compile , test and maybe share the patch
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