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Posts posted by Shadez

  1. Or you can rename (like me) all links implicated into the problem from ".xml" to ".php"

    This is totally wrong advice. All system requirements are listed in INSTALL file and if people don't know how to unzip archive or how to edit httpd.conf file or how to restart Apache service, it's only their problems.

  2. I mean in dungeon list we have just OS with out "note" like os10 os25

    Obsidian Sanctum doesn't have separation like this because this instance (and some others like Ulduar or Naxxramas or Eye of Eternity) was released before patch 3.2.x. All instances which were added in game before this patch have only 2 difficulty modes - normal (10) and heroic (25). To(G)C, ICC and RS have 4 difficulty modes (10 Normal, 10 Heroic, 25 Normal and 25 Heroic). That's why they have separate keys with people limit in it.

    If you want to lookup items which drops from 25-mode in old instances (again, before 3.2.x patch), you should choose "Heroic only" value from dropdown list.

  3. Do you plan to drop the need for character blob in near future? :) I think that most of the required info can be found in character_stats table which can be enabled in MaNGOS config.
    I haven't any plans about it now. If i'll find other way to generate all neccesary character stats (btw, which not fully stored in `character_stats` table), `armory_character_stats` table will be dropped. But until this time, you should use MaNGOS core patch.
    there is a typo in includes/classes/class.mangos.php on line 175 - "SelectCel" instead of "SelectCell"
    Fixed, thanks.
    when searching for characters, the list contains also characters with lvl below the minLevel from config, but they have empty URLs and only name,level,race and class are shown in the list, other fiels are empty (tested on rev166)
    I can't reproduce this bug on rev.174. Update to last revision and check this again, please.
    is the "data" folder still required when everything from it is also in "_data"?
    These folders are almost the same name and I'm just confused them, when added these files. Unused XMLs were dropped, thank you.
    can you make an array or something for the multi-realms and keep all DB connections in the connector class? It would be much cleaner that way :)
    All connection configs are stored in configuration.php
  4. new problem, when i try to see a character it says

    "File Not Found

    This character profile could not be displayed, possibly for one of the following reasons:

    * The character has been inactive for an extended period of time.

    * The character name was spelled incorrectly.

    * The profile is temporarily unavailable while the character is in the midst of a process such as a realm transfer or faction change.

    * Characters that have been deleted are no longer available on the Armory.


    tryed with a lot of characters

    Make sure that you have applied patch to core and to DB

  5. The char in the 3D Viewer looks good, animation too but is naked (I'm using MaNGOS 9778 and i've checked the permissions of all folder including the read & write for the cache) ==> Maybe the new sources of MaNGOS ?

    The character page don't display the char stats (i've applied the patch manually to the sources of MaNGOS)

    Have you applied SQL update to characters database (you need to create `characters`.`armory_character_stats` table)? If yes, check this table - does character's data exists in db (SELECT `data` FROM `armory_character_stats` WHERE `guid`=XXX). Also, maybe you need to drop old cache for this character (cache/characters/*.data;*.cache)

    The character feed display an error :

    This is old file which wasn't deleted when I switch to XSLT templates. I'm currently working on this feature now.

    The talents spec looks good on the character page (ex : 10/61/0) but on the talents page there is no talent.

    Yes, this code just hasn't been rewritten since a dual specialization was implemented in MaNGOS.

    There are still many things that need to be rewritten, but at the moment I do not always have free time, so that will have to wait for some time ;). Continue to report bugs and I will gradually correct them.

  6. Tell how to remove 1 block on a sreen? And where to edit 2 block?

    1 - open _layout/template-common.xsl, go to 472 line (<div class="module-block-right">) and select text until 554 line (last </div> before <script type="text/javascript">)

    2 - _layout/includes.xsl, line 223 (<div id="languageFooter" class="language">) to 254 (</div>). To add/delete/edit language list, open data/languages.xml

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