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    Description of the 'conditions' table for MaNGOSThree

    With this table and the new conditions it is possible to create tree like and very complicated combined conditions (like HasAura && (HasItem || HasQuest))

    Used in:


    Table Notes

    This table uses the 'MyISAM' DB Engine

    The Field definitions follow:

    Field Name Field Type Nullable Key Default Value Attributes Notes
    condition_entry mediumint(8) unsigned NO PRI NULL 'auto_increment' Identifier
    type tinyint(3) NO MUL '0'   Type of the condition.
    value1 mediumint(8) unsigned NO '0'   Data field One for the condition.
    value2 mediumint(8) unsigned NO '0'   Data field Two for the condition.
    comments varchar(200) YES {Blank String}    

    Description of the fields

    condition_entry mediumint(8) unsigned


    type tinyint(3)

    Type of the condition:

    ID Type Description
    -3 CONDITION_NOT Used to evaluate if another condition is NOT true. See Note 1
    -2 CONDITION_OR Used to evaluate if condition OR condition is true. See Note 1
    -1 CONDITION_AND Used to evaluate if condition AND condition is true. See Note 1
    0 CONDITION_NONE This condition is not used at all. Always returns true.
    1 CONDITION_AURA Checks target currently has the specified aura on him/her.
    2 CONDITION_ITEM Checks if the player has the required amount (value2) of items in his/hers inventory.
    3 CONDITION_ITEM_EQUIPPED Checks if the player has the specified item equipped.
    4 CONDITION_AREAID Checks if the player is within the specified area/zone.
    5 CONDITION_REPUTATION_RANK_MIN Checks if the player has the minimum required reputation rank with a specific faction.
    6 CONDITION_TEAM Checks what team the target is a member of (Alliance or Horde).
    7 CONDITION_SKILL Checks if the player has the required minimum skill value of the specified skill.
    8 CONDITION_QUESTREWARDED Checks if the player has complete the specified quest.
    9 CONDITION_QUESTTAKEN Checks if the player has taken the quest (as in has it in his/hers quest log.) and not completed it yet.
    11 CONDITION_NO_AURA Checks if the target DOES NOT currently have the specified aura on him/her.
    12 CONDITION_ACTIVE_GAME_EVENT Checks if a game event is currently active.
    13 CONDITION_AREA_FLAG Checks if area_flag is present in current area (if area_flag set != 0) AND if not_have_flag is not present in current area (if not_have_flag != 0)
    14 CONDITION_RACE_CLASS Checks if the target is a certain race AND/OR class.
    15 CONDITION_LEVEL Checks the targets level.
    16 CONDITION_NOITEM Checks if the player DOES NOT have the required amount (value2) of items in his/hers inventory.
    17 CONDITION_SPELL Checks if the target has or hasn't (value2) the specified spell.
    18 CONDITION_INSTANCE_SCRIPT SD3 based condition
    19 CONDITION_QUESTAVAILABLE Checks if the specified quest is available (can start it) for the player.
    20 CONDITION_ACHIEVEMENT Has or has no special achievement.
    21 CONDITION_ACHIEVEMENT_REALM Realm wide achievement (like 20 above but realm wide).
    22 CONDITION_QUEST_NONE Checks if the player has NOT taken the quest AND has NOT been rewarded for the quest.
    23 CONDITION_ITEM_WITH_BANK Checks if the player has the required amount (value2) of items in his/hers inventory OR bank.
    24 CONDITION_NOITEM_WITH_BANK Checks if the player DOES NOT have count (value2) of items in his/hers inventory OR bank.
    25 CONDITION_NOT_ACTIVE_GAME_EVENT Checks if a game event is currently NOT active.
    26 CONDITION_ACTIVE_HOLIDAY Checks if a holiday is active
    27 CONDITION_NOT_ACTIVE_HOLIDAY Checks if a holiday is not active
    28 CONDITION_LEARNABLE_ABILITY Checks if the player can learn ability - using minimum skill value from [See SkillLineAbility.dbc] If the player has spell or has item (when defined) the condition will evaluate to false.
    30 CONDITION_REPUTATION_RANK_MAX Checks if the player has a higher reputation rank than specified a faction.
    31 CONDITION_COMPLETED_ENCOUNTER Checks if an encounter has been completed.
    32 CONDITION_SOURCE_AURA Checks if the source of the condition (like looted npc) has an aura.
    33 CONDITION_LAST_WAYPOINT Checks the waypoint-state of the source of the condition.
    34 CONDITION_XP_USER Checks if a player has turned XP earning on/off
    35 CONDITION_GENDER Checks the gender of a player.
    39 CONDITION_SPAWN_COUNT Returns if specified count of creature entry exists on map.
    36 CONDITION_DEAD_OR_AWAY Checks if a player, a player's group, all players in an instance, or a creature is dead or left the map.

    Note 1:
    Meta-Condition types CONDITION_AND (-1) and CONDITION_OR (-2) which are used as: value1 (as condition_entry) AND / OR value2 (as condition_entry). With these meta-conditions it is possible to create tree like and very complicated combined conditions (like HasAura && (HasItem || HasQuest))

    value1 mediumint(8) unsigned

    Data field One for the condition.

    value2 mediumint(8) unsigned

    Data field Two for the condition.

    comments varchar(200)

    auto-generated by the getMaNGOS.eu MAGNET dbdocs module

    Edited by Antz

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