[TWO] Some DB errors i think
here is the logs:
2014-08-05 23:45:24 DB table `creature_template_classlevelstats` is empty.
2014-08-05 23:45:25 Creature (Entry: 1840) does not have proper `UnitClass(0)` in creature_template
2014-08-05 23:45:25 Creature (Entry: 1860) does not have proper `UnitClass(0)` in creature_template
2014-08-05 23:47:11 Event 258301 Action1 uses incorrect Target type 1 for event-type 1 (cannot be used OOC)
2014-08-05 23:47:11 Event 598201 Action1 uses incorrect Target type 6 for event-type 12
2014-08-05 23:47:11 Event 945111 Action1 uses incorrect Target type 6 for event-type 13
2014-08-05 23:47:16 Script registering but ScriptName npc_nexus_drake_hatchling is not assigned in database. Script will not be used.
(oh,the records in this log are pretty many i just paste a little of them)
2014-08-05 23:45:24 ERROR:DB table `creature_template_classlevelstats` is empty.
2014-08-05 23:45:25 ERROR:Creature (Entry: 1840) does not have proper `UnitClass(0)` in creature_template
2014-08-05 23:46:46 ERROR:Table `dbscripts_on_gossip` has out of range text_id1 (dataint = 2000000249 expected 2001000000-2000010000) in SCRIPT_COMMAND_TALK for script id 9508
2014-08-05 23:46:47 ERROR:Table gossip_menu entry 6543 are using non-existing text_id 7775
2014-08-05 23:46:52 dbscripts_on_creature_movement :
2014-08-05 23:46:52 ERROR:Table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` has out of range text_id1 (dataint = 2000000141 expected 2001000000-2000010000) in SCRIPT_COMMAND_TALK for script id 143301
2014-08-05 23:46:54 ERROR:Table `creature_movement` Id 73908, point 1 has textid1 has value 2000005453 out of range. Must be in 2001000000-2000009999
my database:
where i download the database:
for MaNGOS Two (WoTLK)
git clone [url]https://github.com/mangostwo/database[/url]
here shows how I imported the database:
cd the folder "mangos"
mysql -u root -p
set names utf8;
#create database:
create database characters;
create database mangos;
create database realmd;
create database scriptdev2;
#import the structure of db:
use characters;
source Server/sql/characters.sql;
use realmd;
source Server/sql/realmd.sql;
use mangos;
source Server/sql/mangos.sql;
#import MANGOS:
use mangos;
source database/_tools/full_db.sql;
#import SCRIPT-DB:
use mangos;
source server/src/bindings/sql/mangos_scriptname_clear.sql;
source server/src/bindings/sql/mangos_scriptname_full.sql;
use scriptdev2;
source server/src/bindings/sql/scriptdev2_create_structure_mysql.sql;
source server/src/bindings/sql/scriptdev2_script_full.sql;
some updates:
|mangos folder\Server\sql\updates -+
| |archive
| |characters -+
| | |01_characters_random_battleground.sql
| |
| |mangos -+
| | |01_mangos_creature_template.sql
| | |02_mangos_creature_classlevels.sql
| |
| |realmd -+
| |void
i updated the three *.sql above,i checked the "archive" folder,and i found that all of the stuffs in there were imported in my database already ,so i didnt use them.
this is the version of my database(mangos.db_version):
UDB 0.12.2 (406) for MaNGOS 12444 with SD2 SQL for rev. 2857
so,what's the fault?
i guest it was the issue of database,but i dont know how to fix it . can you help?
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