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  • minimum level to enter instance "Ragefire Chasm" is too high

    'minLevel' to enter Ragefire Chasm (map 389) is currently set to 13.

    There are 5 quests available for RFC, all with a minimum starting level of 9. I'm getting conflicting information on the original 1.12 starting level for RFC, however I believe it should be 8 (or 10).

    a list of instance level ranges can be queried from the current database using the following select statement:

    SELECT	map.map, map.levelMin, map.levelMax, maxPlayers
    FROM	mangos0.instance_template map
    ORDER BY	map.levelMin;

    I've temporarily updated my database with the following:

    UPDATE	mangos0.instance_template map
    SET	map.levelMin = 8
    WHERE	map = '389'

    ...however, it doesn't seem to change the level restriction when trying to enter RFC after a server reboot.

    server version: 21014, database version: 21.14.67

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    Posted (edited)

    I think it requires DBC file edit aswell

    Edited by Hvemklomater


    stepping into RFC with a bunch on level 9's was a mistake; the first Earthborer is level 14, and my poorly-geared group was wiped out...

    21 hours ago, Hvemklomater said:

    I think it requires DBC file edit aswell

    I actually couldn't seem to find anywhere in the code that referenced the levelMin column I had altered above, which lead me to believe the instance's minimum level requirement was saved somewhere outside of the database.

    This is as close as I had gotten to finding it in "Player.cpp", where AREA_LOCKSTATUS_LEVEL_TOO_LOW is returned:

    if (at->condition) //condition validity is checked at startup
            ConditionEntry fault;
            if (!sObjectMgr.IsPlayerMeetToCondition(at->condition, this, GetMap(),NULL, CONDITION_AREA_TRIGGER, &fault))
                switch (fault.type)
                    case CONDITION_LEVEL:
                        if (sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_BOOL_INSTANCE_IGNORE_LEVEL))
                            miscRequirement = fault.param1;
                            switch (fault.param2)
                                case 0: { return AREA_LOCKSTATUS_LEVEL_NOT_EQUAL; }
                                case 1: { return AREA_LOCKSTATUS_LEVEL_TOO_LOW; }
                                case 2: { return AREA_LOCKSTATUS_LEVEL_TOO_HIGH; }

    I ended up using "Instance.IgnoreLevel" in the mangosd.conf to bypass the level requirement, but should probably withdraw the bug for now since it appears to be working as intended.



    LFGDungeons.dbc file marks the dungeon as suitable to the 13-22 levels. And this limit may be actually imposed by the client. While the wowwiki seemingly shows 10+ there, the client is the ultimate source of the information. Changing a DBC file is antiblizzlike, even if we put aside legal issues.

    Right now I cannot say where the zone enter condition is defined (needs to be found), but it is definitely not the instance_template table. The code cited above is checking that condition.

    P.S. Level range 13-20 for 8606 client, 15-21 for 12340 client.

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