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Unofficial Mangos Zero Docker container


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I took the liberty to create an automatic build for mangos zero on the docker hub
rebuilds the latest code on github every once and a while automatically

docker hub URL: https://hub.docker.com/r/solipsist01/mangoszero/
dockerfile: https://github.com/solipsist01/MangosZero


realmd for managing realm
mangsod world of warcraft emulator
mariadb for hosting the database
nginx for mangosweb enhanced v3.04
up and running with 2 simple scripts
run the container like this.

docker run \
--name=vanilla \
-d \
-p 80:80 \
-p 8085:8085 \
-p 3724:3724 \
-e PUID=0 -e PGID=0 \
-e TZ=Europe/Amsterdam \
-v /your/location/yourwowvanillaclient:/wow \
-v /your/location/config:/config \
--restart always \

when it's running type the following in your prompt

docker exec -it vanilla /bin/bash
Now you will be connected to the docker container.

This will generate the database in the mariadb database

This will generate the DBC, MAPS, MMAPS, VMAPS.
They will be moved to your /config directory

browse to yourdockerip:80 and setup the mangosweb website.

If you have chosen a different password as root sql password, edit your realmd.conf and mangosd.conf in your /config/wowfiles directory

docker restart vanilla

Now everything is done.

You will have a working mangos zero up and running in a docker container.
Every file is linked and/or moved to the /config directory so settings, wowfiles, databases, will persist container destruction or upgrades.

this is an automated build, which will automatically build the latest version of mangos zero.

automatic database upgrades on startup is in the works


After generating the wowfiles, you don't need to have linked your wow installation client anymore.

remove the docker container with:
docker rm vanilla -f

now re-run it with:

docker run \
--name=vanilla \
-d \
-p 80:80 \
-p 8085:8085 \
-p 3724:3724 \
-e PUID=0 -e PGID=0 \
-e TZ=Europe/Amsterdam \
-v /your/location/config:/config \
--restart always \

Parameter breakdown:

docker run \
--name=vanilla \ #you can chose your own name here
-d \ #run as daemon
-p 80:80 \ #nginx web port
-p 8085:8085 \ #mangos port
-p 3724:3724 \ #realmd port
-e PUID=0 -e PGID=0 \ #root
-e WAN_IP_ADDRESS= \ #if you want to port forward for external connection, change to your internet ip address. this address can be updated by running /install/InstallDatabases.sh
-e DOCKER_HOST_IP= \ #ip address of your docker host
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mangos \ #root password of database
-e TZ=Europe/Amsterdam \ #timezone of your docker host
-v /your/location/yourwowvanillaclient:/wow \ #location to your wow vanilla client.
-v /your/location/config:/config \ #location where config files are stored
--restart always \ #automatically start when docker host restarts


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