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Configurating The Gm-status 1-3

Guest DerChamp

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Hello community,

I have a Mangos Server with my friends and i want that they can use the .tele and the .goname Command, so i gave them GM-Status 1! But now some of them abuse the status... how can i make that they can only use the 2 commands???Or how can i make a new GM-Status like "GM-Status 4", who is only allowed to make the 2 Commands! Thx for any help!!! Sorry if my english doesn't sound really good ;)


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Simple my friend =)

Open up SQLyog > mangos database > command

Click on the "table data" tab, to bring up the information, smack bang in the middle is a coloum named security. The numbers correspond to the GM level. Change them and you'll be able to change what commands they can and can't use. Hope this helps man. ;)

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