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Vmaps do they really work?

Guest heyy

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Vmaps and heightcalculations does not work properly for me atleast, for example, when i as a gm are using flyingmode and attack a creep, and then take off a little bit up in the air and move around, the creeps just follow me up in the air and continue attacking me back, in mount hyjal, even though this probably is a db issue, the mobs throughout the event all comes flying from the skies, just imagine like 10 ghouls flying in the sky unhittable because of the lack of range,(towards the sky), have anyone else been having the same problems?

i could really use some help over here, Thanks in advance.

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I have been using mangos 7724, very very stable, for days.

When I put VMAPS, and activate only "vmap.enableLOS=1", start to crash every 15 minutes.

I then deactivated vmaps, and all is stable again.

Yes, I have a very powerful server, 8Gb RAM, etc, etc.

Anyone here is using vmaps? it is stable?

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Even though this is not really the topic, our little server (linux) also has vmap options disable because it hangs up way too often. There's already some threads about freezing with vmaps enabled, even with stack traces to see where the server hangs, but i just couldn't find a good hint why it does yet.

Creatures not going in the air would be nice indeed, however i'm not sure how it works on official anyway, i heard most creatures do not even aggro when you're in the air.

Also things like pulling enemies from a place you can't reach straight by foot, you'd need a path finding algorithm, and if you can't reach it at all, the mob probably should evade, all of which is not that easy to implement at all.

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Caster/shooting mobs are causing some problems on my server.

E.g. Ranged murlocs near Lakeshire sometimes shoot once, sometimes they don't and sometimes they fight normally. Or Orc Shadowcasters in Redridge, they just look at me, I can pwn them with wand until they're red and they run away in fear and when it ends they start to melee me. They're supposed to be casting shit upon me. Defias Pillagers in Westfall will be casting Fireballs at me, but if I only get behind a corner, they will stand there and do nothing (their castbar won't fill up, they will just have casting stance and fiery animation at their hands). Sometimes running away for long distances "wakes them up" and they start to chase me until they get the LOS clear and can start casting again. If I sheep (polymorph) them and run away I sometimes need to run away HALF THE WESTFALL at 20hp to get out of the combat.

Is this related to vmaps? Is it normal? Did I do something wrong?

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Dagguh, I think this is a core issue. The ACID scripts have not changed but I have been getting reports of this. It is like the Scripts are not casting their throw/shoot type spells and are failing. So then the EventAI Scripts all go to hell and they do not change phases properly.

I have not yet tested yet myself but to me it looks like something broke this in the core.

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All i can tell you guys is my xp from the retail servers.

If i'm on my flying mount and i aggro a non ranged mob he will just stay focused until i'm at 10 yard range, than i will come out of combat.

ranged on the other hand will try to shoot me / cast spells on me, again until i am to far away and yet again lose aggro.

it never ever happens that a walking creature will ever attempt to leave the ground and start air walking.

Its one of those things that bothered me since the beginning that on my local server mobs always attempt to follow me trought the air.

Thought you dont here me complain about it i think the work of all the ppl on these forums are just pure awesome.

It would be much apreciated if at some point this tiny little prob gets fixed.

last thing i know from retail lets say if your standing on a huge rock and the distance to the creature is like 15 yards, asuming the target is melee only combat. And u start to shoot on the target, you will simply see EVADE until you walk towards him

kind regards

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Using Mangos latest version up to right now (7821) with vmaps enabled. No problem. I should mention that since i started testing vmaps since 7620 i have yet to see a crash because of it. Uptime is between 7 days and 2 full weeks. Which by that time i actually have to kill the mangos to reset the server for updates and such. Using Ubuntu for it. No 64bit or things like that, a normal 32bit system with 2gb ram. Up to now the testing server has 5 days 2 hours uptime since my last update. So for me, vmaps is working excellent.

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Maybe the confusion comes from what is meant by the question "Do VMaps work?"

What are VMaps intended to do:

They are for determining LOS (Line Of Sight) between two points.

Simply put, can mob "a" see player "b" in order to aggro that player?

Can player "b" see mob "a" in order to cast a spell at the mob or attack it with a ranged weapon?

That's it.

As long as a mob does not pick up initial aggro from seeing a player when there is something blocking LOS or a player cannot do a ranged attack against a mob they cannot see* then yes- VMaps work.

The initial example about a mob on the ground attacking a flying player has nothing to do with VMaps since there is LOS between the mob and the player.

People reporting crashes while using VMaps don't determine if VMaps work, they determine if VMaps are stable- which is a different question.

Even then, they aren't determing if the VMaps are the cause of the provblem. The instability may be the result of defective hardware- it's possible that VMaps code is using an instruction that the persons hardware is failing on, or possibly the extra load is producing more heat and causing thermal problems.

Anyway, to answer the question "Do VMaps work?"

The answer is: yes.

Do VMaps control how a mob moves (such as through obstacles) after it has aggro'd a player? No. Because they are not intended to do this.

* this is checked by both client and server. Even with VMaps disabled, most ranged attacks will not be allowed by the client if there is no LOS

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