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[Suggestion] Mirror Image

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Currently in Mangos, Mirror Image doesnt work, what it should do is spawn 3 exact copys of the mage (same gear looks, same name above their heads etc) very simple but i guess hard to code.

My sugestion would be, when the skill is activated the player would gain the Noggenfogger Elixir Skeleton Skin buff, wich changes your skin ingame to a skelleton (make it undisppellable like say, mage armor etc :

4 (player+3 copys)

AND summons 3 more skelletons with same name has the player.

The skellies would act has simple distraction pets and cast fireblastsl´s & Frostballs for like 5% of mages spell power to the current mage dps target.

Hope this can be done, if not explain why and leave sugestions to fix this awsome spell.

thx and keep up the good work.


hmmm. i dont think thats what it should really do...its more like a copy of the characters guid and some parts of the mages stats, it could be scripted to cast the same spells as the mage after the mage has started casting/or has casted.

hmmm. i dont think thats what it should really do...its more like a copy of the characters guid and some parts of the mages stats, it could be scripted to cast the same spells as the mage after the mage has started casting/or has casted.

Yeah i know , in retail servers it does just that, creates a exact copy of the player, but wouldnt that be too hard to code & handle for the servers? Thats why I sugested the skelletons option, to be equal to everyplayer and dont be so complex.

Just a taught.

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