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Level of Compression

Guest filo

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Good Day, I need tell somethind about compression in mangosd.conf

Last time I have problems with lags on my server, it couse my internet connection (WiFi 5Mbit). But I turn off Vmaps, tcpdelay = 0, do not show bones in thw world, and everything is OK. But I also edit level of compression to 5, and on my second realm I try set to 9.

Ok my question: When I set it to

1 - More traffic, less CPU/or ram usage?

9 - More CPU/or ram usage, less traffic?


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Compression defines what deflate level is used for compressing SMSG_COMPRESSED_UPDATE_OBJECT - it has nothing to do with threads at all!

Ok, thanks for the clarification. In this case, even to ask something. When I have a good processor, so I can set the level at 9 and I have just a good processor and a ping should be improved? What is recommended to set up level of compression, if I have mtmaps on? Thanks

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You wouldn't save that much traffic by setting compression level to '9'. Use '1', mangos will definitely find use for free CPU resources ;)

Unfortunately it doesn't, it just starts increasing ingame lag at some point..

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