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[Help] World Chat

Guest ZeratuelX

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I am looking to implement a feature for world chat into my server but am unsure how to go about doing this. I have found guides for what I would like to accomplish, but they are for ArcEmu and the code is so different that they are nearly inapplicable. I would prefer not to use channels (general, lfg, /1, etc.) and maybe use officer chat like I have seen done on a few servers if possible.

Does anyone know how to make a feature like this?


Also, as a side note: does anyone know how to change the format of the .announce command? I don't want it to be red and I want to add the GMs name who announced it.

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Not quite, but closer.

If you've played on some servers like Undamed or Eternion you'll know what I'm talking about. It's not really a channel, its more like a global announce in a way. Except its a different announce than the .announce command. It works kinda like this:

Player "Someone" types: "/o Hi all!"
Output to all players in world: "[World][someone]: Hi all!"

/o is just an example of a text channel we could replace. Officer chat seems like the most common to replace for this type of feature.

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