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[bug] Weapon enchants in cat or bear form

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Using script library: ScriptDev2 (for MaNGOS 8078+) Revision [1218] 2009-07-16 10:52:38

[15:26:42] Using World DB: UDB 0.11.5 (381) for MaNGOS 8029 with SD2 SQL for rev. 1141

There is a bug with weapon enchants like moongose, crusader, berserking, etc...

this kind of enchants are chance on melee swing to happen something, but if you strike in cat form or bear form, this enthants never works...

sorry i know that my english is not very good, but i hope you all undertand this topic...

can you take a look to that plz? T_T



they don't proc 'cause shapeshift makes your claws your weapon, so you hit with them and NOT with your weapon:

the chance on hit enchant can't proc. it's normal ._.

*thinks about a catform with moongoose proc while wielding a 2H*


*awake himself*

they don't proc 'cause shapeshift makes your claws your weapon, so you hit with them and NOT with your weapon:

the chance on hit enchant can't proc. it's normal ._.

*thinks about a catform with moongoose proc while wielding a 2H*


*awake himself*

on 3.1.3 they can. read wowwiki and you'll find it


Yes, that was changed in 3.0.2.

Try this one:

diff --git a/src/game/Unit.cpp b/src/game/Unit.cpp
index 0b67a2f..c45a745 100644
--- a/src/game/Unit.cpp
+++ b/src/game/Unit.cpp
@@ -11704,9 +11704,6 @@ bool Unit::IsTriggeredAtSpellProcEvent(Unit *pVictim, Aura* aura, SpellEntry con
                item = ((Player*)this)->GetItemByPos(INVENTORY_SLOT_BAG_0, EQUIPMENT_SLOT_RANGED);

-            if (!((Player*)this)->IsUseEquipedWeapon(attType==BASE_ATTACK))
-                return false;
            if(!item || item->IsBroken() || item->GetProto()->Class != ITEM_CLASS_WEAPON || !((1<<item->GetProto()->SubClass) & spellProto->EquippedItemSubClassMask))
                return false;

are you sure? someone can confirm this?

i test it, nothing happend... tried in bear and cat form

maybe i did something wrong, but i dont think so....

somebody else can test it and post the results plz?



Ok, try that one:

diff --git a/src/game/Player.cpp b/src/game/Player.cpp
index 510976e..0f9ce0f 100644
--- a/src/game/Player.cpp
+++ b/src/game/Player.cpp
@@ -6959,7 +6959,7 @@ void Player::UpdateEquipSpellsAtFormChange()

void Player::CastItemCombatSpell(Unit* Target, WeaponAttackType attType)
-    Item *item = GetWeaponForAttack(attType, true);
+    Item *item = GetWeaponForAttack(attType, false);
    if(!item || item->IsBroken())

diff --git a/src/game/Unit.cpp b/src/game/Unit.cpp
index 83e1a43..4253159 100644
--- a/src/game/Unit.cpp
+++ b/src/game/Unit.cpp
@@ -11714,9 +11714,6 @@ bool Unit::IsTriggeredAtSpellProcEvent(Unit *pVictim, Aura* aura, SpellEntry con
                item = ((Player*)this)->GetItemByPos(INVENTORY_SLOT_BAG_0, EQUIPMENT_SLOT_RANGED);

-            if (!((Player*)this)->IsUseEquipedWeapon(attType==BASE_ATTACK))
-                return false;
            if(!item || item->IsBroken() || item->GetProto()->Class != ITEM_CLASS_WEAPON || !((1<<item->GetProto()->SubClass) & spellProto->EquippedItemSubClassMask))
                return false;

Somebody knows whether those enchants should proc when you are disarmed?

Somebody knows whether those enchants should proc when you are disarmed?

i don't think so, if is the weapon enchanted with should proc by disarmed :)

nice patch gonna test it thanks :).

Ok, try that one:

diff --git a/src/game/Player.cpp b/src/game/Player.cpp
index 510976e..0f9ce0f 100644
--- a/src/game/Player.cpp
+++ b/src/game/Player.cpp
@@ -6959,7 +6959,7 @@ void Player::UpdateEquipSpellsAtFormChange()

void Player::CastItemCombatSpell(Unit* Target, WeaponAttackType attType)
-    Item *item = GetWeaponForAttack(attType, true);
+    Item *item = GetWeaponForAttack(attType, false);
    if(!item || item->IsBroken())

diff --git a/src/game/Unit.cpp b/src/game/Unit.cpp
index 83e1a43..4253159 100644
--- a/src/game/Unit.cpp
+++ b/src/game/Unit.cpp
@@ -11714,9 +11714,6 @@ bool Unit::IsTriggeredAtSpellProcEvent(Unit *pVictim, Aura* aura, SpellEntry con
                item = ((Player*)this)->GetItemByPos(INVENTORY_SLOT_BAG_0, EQUIPMENT_SLOT_RANGED);

-            if (!((Player*)this)->IsUseEquipedWeapon(attType==BASE_ATTACK))
-                return false;
            if(!item || item->IsBroken() || item->GetProto()->Class != ITEM_CLASS_WEAPON || !((1<<item->GetProto()->SubClass) & spellProto->EquippedItemSubClassMask))
                return false;

Somebody knows whether those enchants should proc when you are disarmed?

i just test it....

the enchants can be activated now in cat form, didn't try in bear form because this patch have a bug somewhere, in pvp you just miss when you attack, with all your offensive habilitys, melee or spell doesn't matter ...

obs: in pve againts mobs and npc works fine

i just test it....

the enchants can be activated now in cat form, didn't try in bear form because this patch have a bug somewhere, in pvp you just miss when you attack, with all your offensive habilitys, melee or spell doesn't matter ...

obs: in pve againts mobs and npc works fine

can confirm.... :(

Depends on whether those auras should proc while being disarmed or not.

"Disarm Druids are affected less by being disarmed than other classes as their attacks are made with claws and teeth. This means that often they may be affected by the Disarmed debuff, but it doesn't change their attack power or prevent them from using their special attacks. This can be rather useful in encounters such as General Rajaxx. On the other hand, sometimes the Disarmed debuff is enough to trigger an effect, as with the Ethereal Thief mobs in Karazhan."

"Although bears can be disarmed, they only suffer the loss of the stats from the weapon, whereas another tank could temporarily lose their ability to use abilities that require a weapon to perform."

i belive the enchants cannot be activated during disarming effects... here says "druid loss stats from weapon when disarmed"

it doesn't say anyware, i just asumming

does this patch works when you disarmed?, i'll try again

  • 8 months later...
MaNGOS/0.15.0 (* * Revision 9110 - *) for Linux_x64 (little-endian)

Using script library: ScriptDev2 (for MaNGOS 8759+) Revision * * * (Unix)

Using World DB: YTDB_0.10.7_R527_MaNGOS_R9112_SD2_R1540_ACID_R301_RuDB_R34.4

Using creature EventAI: ACID 3.0.0 - Full Release for Mangos

But dont work, incompatible:

In patch

Item *item = GetWeaponForAttack(attType, true);

In emu

Item *item = GetWeaponForAttack(attType, true,false);

Any idea?

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