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A Few Simple and Not-So-Simple Questions

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I've been trying to figure this out for the first problem for the last week and haven't come up with a solution. I'm trying to make players obtain 50s on assist kill and when someone in a party kills a player. I tried popping a few things into the HK handler, but that failed and cause my server to crash... as well as about 5 other places with the same failure. Does anyone know where in player.cpp or unit.cpp I need to stick the script?

The second question involves something completely different: I'm trying to make it so players can't be in a group while on a certain map. I assume that the script would need to periodically check if the player is both on this map and in a group. If they are, disband it. I understand c++ to an extent, but this one is completely beyond me at this point in time. I understand that there could be some side effects to having such a script, but I'm willing to sacrifice speed for it. >.< If you were to give me some ideas as how I would go about starting this script, I'd be more than happy to figure it out.

Any help regarding ether problem would be greatly appreciated.


Instantly after posting this I think I just figured out how to implement the no-group on 'x' map system... The purpose is that I don't want people pvping while in a group. I'll try adding a check, on kill. To see of a player is in a group and on that map. If they are, they get booted!

Anyone think that will work?

It shouldn't crash if you add it into RewardHonor in Player.cpp. Just underneath "ModifyHonorPoints(int32(honor));" add "ModifyMoney(5000);"

That is exactly what i was looking for... must have missed it. THANKS!

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