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Account Whispers

Guest syberjj

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How hard would it be to add the Account whisper feature to mangos? Diablo 2 used to have this feature and I am sure lots of people miss it in wow.

Account whispering is the ability to whisper another player no matter on what character he is currently playing on.

Security issue: It is not good to have players giving out account names, this will increase mangos hacking.

How I think this could work:

When a player creates his account he has to fill in:

account name - name used to login

contact name - name used for whispers and forum posts (so no one knows other peoples "real" login name)

The contact name is added to the character list as a new character with a ghost class called "Contact".

Whenever the player logs in with any of his characters, his ghost character gets its status set to "online", and any messages sent to this char are redirected to the online twink the player is using.

This way the contact characters can be added to the friendslist and even managed with addons like GuildGreet.

Players can whisper eachother using: .whispacc contactname message

Players can disable account whispers using: .dnd (not the same as /dnd that uses the / instead of a dot)

PS: I am not sure if the wow client allows the custom "Contact" character class. Any info on that?

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on Diablo 2 it used to be /w for whispers and /a for account whispers (or something like that)

would anyone get motivated to script this? it is a missing feature on retail, is very usefull and is not to hard to script (i guess). Could give mangos that bit of extra style points..

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I must at least point out that my friends who play on my server doesn't want such feature. Many has several characters, and they want to keep them separate (at least part of those). So I'm pretty sure they wouldn't like such command giving out that they are online with different character..

So if that is implemented, person coding it should have several options included in it: disable it server wide, possibility to disable it by character, and toggle that status as you see fit.

But we are fine with good IRC communication, and if that wouldn't be enough, of course we could set up forums. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
I must at least point out that my friends who play on my server doesn't want such feature. Many has several characters, and they want to keep them separate (at least part of those). So I'm pretty sure they wouldn't like such command giving out that they are online with different character..)

The only way for someone to whisper you on your account is by using the account name. if the player uses your player name to whisper you wont get the message on another plaeyer. So you will only get spamed by players you give out the info. It wont do more spam either, you can only be online with one character per account. It just makes playing better for players.

Mangos already has its own client in development (pseuwow), and custom GM addons, why not start making custom features? I think it would make Mangos stand out over other softwares. And for those who dont want it, it could be released as a custom addon for the normal software.. ^_^

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Mate, Check the "Installation, Configuration & Upgrades" forum's sticky topics. I have been here for SOME time and know exactly what I am talking about. Don't take this wrong, but your post isnt helping at all.

It would be great to see mangos development to add some custom features they think would make the server better then retail through an addon system. Everyone can add the addons they want.

Edit: Let's not fight, its a waste of time. Lets just agree we disagree.

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currently gm-only


delete from command where name='aw';
insert into command (name,security,help) values ('aw',2,'Syntax: .aw [$CharacterName] $text');

delete from mangos_string where entry = 11000;
insert into mangos_string (entry, content_default, content_loc1, content_loc2, content_loc3, content_loc4, content_loc5, content_loc6, content_loc7, content_loc8) values (11000, 'No character found online from this account', null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);

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