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Adjust day/night cycle?


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Is there a way to modify the day/night cycle in the game?

I'm starting to suspect that since WoW has the same cycle as the server's clock, that it may be hard coded into the client by server time. Changing the server time or adding to every time() call works, but leaves you with incorrect times in your database and logs. Haven't yet found a place in the source that seems to deal with just the day/night display value.

The reason I'm looking for this is myself and my fellow 'testers' get tired of always playing in the night cycle. I'd like for server time to be same as real time, but day/night cycle to be inverted, or adjusted 12 hours.

Any thoughts?

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Afaik, day/night cylce is completely client side using the clients pc time.

No, it does use server time. I've already tried adjusting the server comp's time, and adding 43200 to every time() call (12 hours) - both work. I just didn't like database entries and log timestamps being off by 12 hours.

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