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Hi, First i am sorry for my English. So the problem is about all channeling spell i suposed, but atm i am playing Priest and i noticed this bug about Penance.

Problem si how the channeled spells are implemented. When you are trying to cast Penance to your target, you dont cast spell but your target it cast on himself. Sou this bug have theese results:

-Noone can interupt your channeling because you are not casting in fact but your target is casting Penance on himself.

-You cant auto self cast Penance on yourself, because you have no target, so penance cant be chaneled.

-You can cast penance on whoever, whereever you want, for example I am in OG ... my party member is in SW and i can heal him without problem. How? Simply I targeted him, and channeling Penance with auto self cast. LoS and Range check is OK because i want to heal mysel, because my partner is channeling Penance on himself in SW :)

Theese and others bugs are very serious. My question is, do you know about this bug? Are you working on fix, or it is possible to fix this problem? I am new at mangos, so i will try look at this problem, but if anyone have some idea or maybe i am wrong with something. Thanks

  • 4 weeks later...

You can also heal enemies sometimes and you can damage him sometimes. Is all random. They same goes for friendly characters. They can be in a Duel and you can heal or damage any of them. This goes for other groups, other raids, characters far away, etc...

Weird. tested on 9010

  • 3 weeks later...

This spell is a big shit.

MaNGOS/0.15.0 (* * Revision 9110 - *) for Linux_x64 (little-endian)

Using script library: ScriptDev2 (for MaNGOS 9062+) Revision [1539] 2010-01-04 02:13:08 (Unix)

Using World DB: PSDB WotLK (279)

Using creature EventAI: PSDB EventAI & ACID 3.0.0

Confirm in this rev.

  • 5 weeks later...

It's possible to "ingame" fix this autocast thing with a simple macro, that will cast Penance after targeting yourself:

/target [noexists] player
/cast Penance

Hope that it will help.

Sorry for bad english



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