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Custom Honor Prices

Guest RandomGuy

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So, I looked into the idea of having custom tokens for items purchased off a vendor, and come to discover that while possible, clients logging into the server won't be able to see the prices of the items because it won't be in their extended cost DB. Now, as I understand it to change the Honor cost of an item you would have to similarly alter that file as honor costs are specified as an extended cost (partly to include the cost of BG tokens, etc).

My question is whether or not custom honor costs will show up correctly in a client, as opposed to a custom made item? I realize that they're still defined in the same extended cost file which would be server-side and not client-side, so my initial instinct is that they'd be unable to see the cost of the item as would happen with a custom token. Then again, honor points are more like gold than tokens and it's possible that the client would be able to display the cost correctly as the extended cost might simply point it to the fact that honor is required.

Before I dive into the messy, time-consuming work of making such modifications, I was wondering if anyone had tried or can confirm whether or not custom honor costs in the extended DB will appear correctly in a client or if they'll be unable to see the actual price of an item.

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