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tabstop width?


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Hey guys,

just a short question: Is it possible, to make git log, git diff etc. make tabstops show as 4 space (instead of 8, what is the default setting, as I think). I did not find any option until now :-(

I try to use git with another project, with an IDE/editor, that does not support the conversion from tabstop to real spaces, as the vc++ IDE does.


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Msysgit uses "less" pager from GNU coreutils (at least I believe so), which means man less:

-xn,... or --tabs=n,...
      Sets tab stops.  If only one n is specified, tab stops  are  set
      at  multiples  of n.  If multiple values separated by commas are
      specified, tab stops are set at those positions, and  then  con-
      tinue  with  the  same  spacing  as  the last two.  For example,
      -x9,17 will set tabs at positions  9,  17,  25,  33,  etc.   The
      default for n is 8.

Git is able to detect available pagers in many ways. It first looks for --pager='...' cmdline option (or --no-pager). If it's not given, it uses PAGER env variable. If it's empty, it maybe does something else and falls to "less" by default (or no-pager if not even "less" is available).

That means something like

export PAGER="less --tabs=4"

should help you. You can put it in your .bashrc (or .bash_profile) file, it might be in msysgit_installdir/etc/ or somewhere there.

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