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[10327][BUG] Argent Crusade Commendation Badge, spell 61311

Guest Ice_rulez

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this is maybe because in 3.3.0 patch notes is this


  • 2

maybe this is done by some "worldwide constant", which is affecting every way reputation could be gained: commandation badges, daily quests, ... and the reputation is not changed on every single item/quest. Maybe adding something like ReputationMultiplier could help solve this issue. Use of some kind of this constant could explain, why description of effect and description on item is different.

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  • 2 months later...

with this patch (maybe hack) it gets fixed i'll post it in patch-section

diff --git a/src/game/SpellEffects.cpp b/src/game/SpellEffects.cpp
index 43c1ccd..86b6cf5 100644
--- a/src/game/SpellEffects.cpp
+++ b/src/game/SpellEffects.cpp
@@ -6704,6 +6704,16 @@ void Spell::EffectReputation(SpellEffectIndex eff_idx)
    int32  rep_change = m_currentBasePoints[eff_idx];

    uint32 faction_id = m_spellInfo->EffectMiscValue[eff_idx];
+    switch(m_spellInfo->Id)
+    {
+        case 69757:
+        case 61311:
+        case 61308:
+        case 61306: 
+        case 61312:
+            rep_change *= 1.3;
+            break;
+    }

    FactionEntry const* factionEntry = sFactionStore.LookupEntry(faction_id);

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
maybe this is done by some "worldwide constant", which is affecting every way reputation could be gained: commandation badges, daily quests, ... and the reputation is not changed on every single item/quest. Maybe adding something like ReputationMultiplier could help solve this issue. Use of some kind of this constant could explain, why description of effect and description on item is different.

We (well mostly NoFantary) pretty much came to the same conclusion and implemented it, finally :)

Apparently Bl... has some big tweaking know to scale reputation globally, now implemented in reputation_reward_rate table.

What the dummy effect does is unknown, but i doubt it has anything to do with global reputation rates, because Argent Dawn Valor Token does not have a dummy effect yet it gives double the rep. in its base points now, as does every kill and quest.

Rates for spells implemented in [10327].

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