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[Patch] ImpConfig.


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Hey guys!

I would like to start of whit. this isnt my work at all. but i made work able whit the lastest rev. of mangos.

This Project is original from Dythzer but seems to be dead end. so i would like to share my rev. of this patch whit u guys :)


# Extra options (custom) - ImpConfig - [url]http://www.manground.org/forum/index.php?showforum=10[/url]
#    PlayerStart.AllReputation
#        Players will start with most of the high level reputations that are needed for items, mounts etc.
#        If there are any reputation factions you want added, post a feature request on the forum
#    PlayerStart.AllSpells
#        If enabled, players will start with all their class spells (not talents). Useful for instant 70 servers.
#        You must import playercreateinfo_spell_custom.sql, it's included in the SQL folder.
#        Default: 0 - off, 1 - on
#    PlayerStart.MapsExplored
#        Players will start with all maps explored if enabled
#    PlayerStart.DefaultGuildId
#        New players will automatically get added to this guild if a ID is used.
#    AntiCheat.GMIsland
#        If a player enters GM island, he will get teleported away. This will prevent cheaters from buying GM stuff
#        on servers with a GM mall. GM's will not get teleported away.
#    EnableQueueForGMs
#        GMs will also be added to the login queue (not gmlvl 3+) if enabled. Useful for GM servers.
#        Default: 0 - off, 1 - on
#    HonorPointsAfterDuel
#        The amount of honor points the duel winner will get after a duel.
#        Default: 0 - disable
#    NoResetTalentsCost
#        Enable or disable no cost for talent resetting

PlayerStart.AllReputation = 0
PlayerStart.AllSpells = 0
PlayerStart.MapsExplored = 0
PlayerStart.DefaultGuildId = 0
AntiCheat.GMIsland = 0
EnableQueueForGMs = 0
HonorPointsAfterDuel = 0
NoResetTalentsCost = 0


I Removed the client option in the realm section from the original patch since i see no reason to use that anymore whit the new updates for the realm client session. (if needed i can drop it back in but i dont think it would work anyways)

Original patch and non-working:

GIT: git pull git://github.com/dythzer/mangos.git impconfig


GIT: git pull git://repos.middleearth.dk/mangos/mangos.git impconfig
Patch: [url]http://middleearth.dk/download/impconfig_rev_9439.patch[/url]
SQL: [url]http://middleearth.dk/download/playercreateinfo_spell_custom.sql[/url]

NOTE. the playercreateinfo_spell_custom.sql is custom whit alot of stuff and proberly alot of things u dont need so remember to

Edit the file before dumping it in to your world-db but its needed to make PlayerStart.AllSpells work correctly.

I hope some of u can use this for something.. and do keep in mind i didnt make the patch only made it work for now.

EDIT: Added Custom Table for ImpConfig

Regards Nickless

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--- a/src/game/MiscHandler.cpp

+++ b/src/game/MiscHandler.cpp

@@ -377,6 +377,26 @@ void WorldSession::HandleZoneUpdateOpcode( WorldPacket & recv_data )

uint32 newzone, newarea;

GetPlayer()->GetZoneAndAreaId(newzone, newarea);

GetPlayer()->UpdateZone(newzone, newarea);


+ /* This im still not sure on but seems to be working whitout.


+ if(newZone != _player->GetZoneId())

+ GetPlayer()->SendInitWorldStates(); // only if really enters to new zone, not just area change, works strange...*/


+ // ImpConfig: AntiCheat.GMIsland - Teleport to homebind if new zone is GM island

+ if(sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_KICK_FROM_GMISLAND))

+ {

+ if(newZone == 876 && GetPlayer()->GetSession()->GetSecurity() == SEC_PLAYER)

+ {

+ _player->TeleportTo(

+ _player->m_homebindMapId,

+ _player->m_homebindX,

+ _player->m_homebindY,

+ _player->m_homebindZ, 0);

+ }

+ }


+ GetPlayer()->UpdateZone(newZone, newarea);


void WorldSession::HandleSetTargetOpcode( WorldPacket & recv_data )

Can someone explain this part of the code? Especially the "strange code" part makes no real sense to me. I personally would like to lock zones / maps generally and log players who try to enter them. The question is if this way isn't a bit too hacky.

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