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[reqiuest] .play #sound_id or .sound #sound_id gm commands

Guest Electros

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example, we want to create instance boss script with yells (also and with sound), with spell and etc. but for creating, we have to check sound, we dont want put illiadan sounds to The Lich king, example :D

these commands really can help for scripting

-- bad english

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ok thx, btw, command syntax is not small, i have mean .debug play sound 12345, cant change to shorter? example, .play sound #sound_id

You can alsways write something like: .de s 12345 (i not check how short really can be writed for selection proper command).

So you can short any command while typed part of command name propertly select req. command

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Waht you meaning client side o.O Listen for all around? Just select any target and sound will be in area

ive tried it ive targeted my self,players and npcs and everyone sadi they couldnt hear anything when i asked them :P maybe is a revison bug?

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  • 2 months later...

Help me! I need play music in a mangos server for everybody with the command .debug play sound ID. Can I modify it in *.cpp?


void WorldObject::PlayDistanceSound( uint32 sound_id, Player* target /*= NULL*/ )


WorldPacket data(SMSG_PLAY_OBJECT_SOUND,4+8);

data << uint32(sound_id);

data << uint64(GetGUID());

if (target)

target->SendDirectMessage( &data );


SendMessageToSet( &data, true );


void WorldObject::PlayDirectSound( uint32 sound_id, Player* target /*= NULL*/ )


WorldPacket data(SMSG_PLAY_SOUND, 4);

data << uint32(sound_id);

if (target)

target->SendDirectMessage( &data );


SendMessageToSet( &data, true );


Thanks for all.

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